Sorry Guys,
I should have given you more background info about myself. I'm used to posting on the zone so everybody would see my sig. I've been tooling around with CNC for 7 or 8 years. Over the years, I have built 2 machines that use Mach or EMC as their controller software. I learned CNC systems using Techno DaVincis and I personally own and operate a Techno lc4896. I know quite a bit about how CNC systems work but I always want to try something a little different.
In school I built a 4x4' machine that uses Mach as a controller. The only Cad/CAM program the school currently owns is Galaad (for design and also to control the davinci). I got really exited when I saw that Galaad could control Mach as per this page: . Look towards the bottom of the page and you will see what I mean. If galaad could control Mach, I would have to teach one interface for cutting on both machines! If you have ever taught middleschoolers CNC you would know how important this is!
The first time I looked at Galaad, I did not see any way to export G-Code. I think the software was either old or I did it after teaching 5 periods strait.
The next day I loaded the latest Galaad on the machine with Mach. Lo and behold.... There it was! The export function took a bit of mucking around but I eventually got it to work with Mach.
My ultimate goal is to still have Mach be controlled by Galaad, but its nice to know I can still export usable g-code.