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Author Topic: USB TO PARALLEL  (Read 85388 times)

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Offline budman68

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« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2011, 07:06:37 AM »
When I was running into problems running the USB LCD DRO, I upgraded to that version (with Terry's and others help), and it's been running solid for me as well.

Of course, on the other hand, with hearing what Ray does with Mach 3, and what I do with Mach 3, he's light years ahead of me.

Just because I'm a Global Moderator, don't assume that I know anything !

Dave->    ;)

Offline BR549

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« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2011, 09:55:56 AM »
I run V.020 as well here. Very stable and the bugs are KNOWN.( YES it has bugs ,lots of them).  BUT here ALSO it runs in a very basic mode as well. IF you venture out of MACH3's comfort zone then expect trouble The MORE you load MACH3 the worst the bugs become. IF you are running macros then staight CB macro run dependably. MIXED CB and Gcode with motion you are own your own and it becomes VERY CPU specific and time sensitive (at least it does here).

It does parametric Gcode Very well but really needs the Basci conditional code added.. It does SIMPLE subs OK, But fails on complex subs.

It does BASIC tool comp ok but fails with deep subs and parametric Gcode.

It runs BASIC macros ok BUT is terrible with mixed code macros CB and Gcode.

I also found IF you load up mach with a lot of gadgets and plugins and such (like RAY(;-)) THEN prepeare to be in for a LOT of work chasing things you would normally never see. BEEN there done that many times over the last 5 years.

I found IF you use the computors basic resources a great deal  can be done.  BUT if you add a lot of extra gadgets that require a lot of MACH's resources(attention) WELL you can figure that one out(;-).

Some say it ain't so BUT the proof is in the pudding.

IF I were the head  nut I would simply DRAW a line in the sand and annouce that THIS is what MACH3 will be.  Then spend some time to flush out the remaining bugs and FIX them if it can be done(Don't yank their chain, give them an honest try to get it done)

Then close out MACH3 and it will BE what it will BE..   THEN UPDATE THE DARN MANUAL to reflect HOW Mach3 is to work AS A CNC machine controller AND its limitations.

THEN get to work on Mach4. AT that point one should have free rein to get it done.

Just to make a POINT MACH3 is a great thing to own it allowed MANY thousands of people to experience the CNC world without breaking the bank. It allowed a NEW level of low end CNC machines to be used in a shop enviroment to HELP make a living for many people.

Probably the BEST $159 you could possibly  spend in your lifetime(;-).

But it IS what it IS.

Your mileage may vary due to local conditions, (;-) TP
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 10:02:24 AM by BR549 »

Offline budman68

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« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2011, 11:35:59 AM »
This thread just keeps getting better and better! ;D

Thanks for everyones input, I've learned a lot in this one.
Just because I'm a Global Moderator, don't assume that I know anything !

Dave->    ;)

Offline BR549

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« Reply #33 on: October 22, 2011, 01:36:14 PM »
Yous guys are what make Mach as good as it is. The amount of talent, patience and experience yall offer to the folks getting started is awsome.

Yes please take a bow you deserve it.

MACH3 is about where it can be made to take care of itself for the masses. A little more stablity and a little more work on manuals AND then a basic manual telling how to put it ALL together and design a part then cam that part then MAKE it.

Then a good library section to hold it ALL in one place.  Would it not be nice if someone ask aquestion on tool comp and you were able to answer with Go over to the libary and download the ToolComp manual and look on PAGE 27 . That will explain what you need to know. If you need help get back with me. AND you now has a good BASE to explain things further.

OR go over and get the Screens/config manual page 31. top rh side 3rd row down THERE is where you make that change at.

I have found THIS generation of DIYs is NOT anything like the last generation(;-) where they had more mechanical knowledge to start with. NOT knocking this GEN it just has to be approached differently. They did not learn electronics or mechanics in High school or trade school or from life itself. They also do NOT like to read. LARGE manuals tend to intimidate them over smaller handout 10-15 page ones that ONLY explain a single subject. (personal observation here)

Back when raising kids IF the wife wanted that lamp fixed or Change its looks I had to LEARN to do it. Today they just go to Wallyworld and BUY another and most times they do NOT get what they really wanted BUT that is the way it is they just accept it.

OK enough rambling, (;-) TP

Offline RICH

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« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2011, 03:47:23 PM »
little more stablity and a little more work on manuals AND then a basic manual telling how to put it ALL together and design a part then cam that part then MAKE it.

Not as easy as it sounds since it all depends on where the reader is coming from. Each subject matter, even a word can become a book very quickly. I probably put a hard 250 hours into the LC manual and I sometimes wonder if anybody ever took the time to even work through the tutorials.  The guy that wrote the Mach 3 Manual spent 6 months on it. Don't remember how long the LT Manual took but it was at least a 150 hours plus and it's supplemented by 7 somewhat specific appendixes ( i do remember sanitizing 350 pages of text for it). A good example of a specific subject is the Threading on The Lathe Manual and even that just brushes the surface.

But it is interesting, since just the other day  someone called me and asked how to wire and configure their limit and and home swithces for a mill.
Here's  the reponse after some general discussion:
-Read your PDMX Manual on how to hook up the wires to the break out board.
-Have a look at Using Mach 3 Mill Manual, section 4-8 to 4-11 and also 5.3 and also understand 5-17, then have a look at section 6-2 page 12-1
 and also read about G28, G28.1, G30 on page 10-17
- Also have a look at Mach 3 CNC Controller Software & Installation Manual section 4-9 to 4-15 and also section  5-5 to 5-6
- It may be better to just look at Mach 3 Tutorial on setting up a 3 axis machine so have a read of page 11 to 14.
- You may also want to look at the MSM Manual page 61 for kicks
We decided on a house call  :).......was easier ;)........heck...... free beer & pizza  :D, what more could one ask for ;D

BTW, I don't have or use limit or home swithces on any of my machines  ??? Can only write and not read ::)


Offline ger21

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« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2011, 03:50:50 PM »
I have a 20 page manual for my screenset, and when I send it to people, I tell them to read the manual to learn how to set it up. The most common questions I get are explained in detail on the second page of the manual.  >:( >:(

2010 Screenset

JointCAM Dovetail and Box Joint software

Offline BR549

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« Reply #36 on: October 22, 2011, 05:26:49 PM »
MOst of those problems are easy. In MOST cases I find IF you force them to read they will IF you just keep throwing them fish then they  won't ever learn to fish(;-)  Normal for this generation(;-).

I call it the instant grits generation. Somewhere along the line you just have to STOP helping them UNTIL they start to help themselves. I usaully comes with a suggestion to perhaps learn to play golf instead of learn CNC because learning CNC is tuff.   OH YEA they say???? I 'll show you. "OK" let me know IF you get stuck. (;-) OR they just learn to play golf(;-).

OH MAN where do you get jobs that pay in beer and pizza ????? (;-)

(;-) TP
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 05:30:21 PM by BR549 »
« Reply #37 on: December 24, 2011, 11:43:53 AM »
Then a good library section to hold it ALL in one place.  Would it not be nice if someone ask aquestion on tool comp and you were able to answer with Go over to the libary and download the ToolComp manual and look on PAGE 27 . That will explain what you need to know. If you need help get back with me. AND you now has a good BASE to explain things further.
I know that this has gotten off topic, but I'll post anyway :D.

I retrofitted a series I Bridgeport and the "hardest" part of the whole process was cleaning 20 years of oil/coolant /dirt off of it. It was relatively easy. Then I moved on to Mach3. Use the manuals you say. Which one? the Mach1.84 one? the Mach2 one? The titles leave a bit to be desired and explain obsolete features and gloss over others.
The information is available, but it's not as easy as you, who have "grown up" with Mach make it sound.

My observations parallel yours. "LOCK" Mach3 and live with whatever limitations it has, and put out Mach version 4 (that works) when it's ready, so the rest of the add-on industry can continue to evolve without the shadow of impending change looming over their head. JMHO ;)
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2012, 10:26:32 AM »
Guess I'll waite to see the English manuals and then some reviews on the devices.
We finished PLCM-series manual, pls see it at our site here
Purelogic RnD team