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Author Topic: why does tool offset not stick?  (Read 2883 times)

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why does tool offset not stick?
« on: July 29, 2011, 08:17:05 PM »
I have a program with two tools. Tool 1 is 3 inches long. Tool 2 is 2 inches long. Tool zero is calibrated with tool 1, so both tool 0 and 1  have identical offsets. .  In the tool offset window, I see that the offset for tool 2 is recognized and saved.  During calibration, when I send the tools to Z, they both go to their zero point, recognizing their respective offsets.
However, when I am running the program, tool 2 fails to go lower, that is, it fails to go lower by that 1" offset.
The program stops, asking for a tool change. When I press "cycle", the new tool number is displayed as well as the offset, but the actual depth is off by that one inch.

Any ideas why?
thanks in advance.

Offline BR549

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Re: why does tool offset not stick?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2011, 08:48:24 PM »
General rule of thumb, NEVER use tool0 for anything.

Start with a master guage and set all tools compared to it OR you can use one of the tools as a master then set evrything compared to that tool.

With  a knne mill I always use the LONGEST tool as the master. Set it as 0.000 and then compare all the rest of the tools to that. They will be + or minus from that tool. Then when you load the part and do the setup set the top of the material to 0.000 useing the master tool or guage.

THEN all your height will be corrected when you do the tool change BUT you must call the Tool offset into play with the G43 call IT is what actually calls for the COMP to take place based on the comp values you entered into the tool table. You also have to allow a move for the comp to take place before you get to the surface and begin to cut.

M6 T2       ' calls for the tool change and use T2

G43  Z1     " Does the actual comp based on the loaded t2 and comps itself on the way to Z1 for the difference in the 2 tools.

YOu  also have to have enough room for the machine to comp the move.  You can't be at the top end of Z and comp another 1" for a longer tool it will limit out.

Just a thought, (;-) TP
Re: why does tool offset not stick?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2011, 09:19:59 PM »
Thanks for the quick reply.  The g43 was missing from the code. tc

Offline BR549

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Re: why does tool offset not stick?
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2011, 12:56:10 AM »
Glad you got it slinging chips, GOOD JOB (;-) TP