I am running R1.84.00...When I simulate the run,that is the only thing I am changing..The Tool 1 ..or...Tool 0..I created a new modified code by inserting the P.0625 at each G41..I am going to try that now..Will let you know..Graham..when you ran my original tap file,did you put in a TOOL ..?or was it set to TOOL 0 ..? also when you rewrote the code, you took out the drill points..which is fine,because I don"t think that has anything to do with it..And on my original tap,the drill points and the holes ran fine until it got out on to the outside profile..which is weird because it will start just fine on the profile, maybe a third of the way and then off it goes..and when it goes off,it is where there is a straight line and then it hits a curved line..Right where the two lines meet..But the profile was drawn in Autocad using a closed polyline,so there is no gap there..Michael