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Author Topic: Mach3 post for Mastercam. This post enables use of the Mach3 Mill tool table.  (Read 37036 times)

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Mach3 post for Mastercam.  This post enables the use of the Mach3 Mill tool table on a CNC mill which has no automatic tool changer.

Tested on X3 and X5 without problems.  Will probably work fine on all versions X thru X5.

These release notes contained within the Mach3Generic.PST file says it all.

# --------------
# Release Notes:  This Post file is a slightly modified MPFAN.PST file specifically altered to allow manual tool changing with the benefits of the Mach3 tool table.
# Make sure to enable tool changing in Mach3 by selecting Config -> General config -> Tool Change -> Stop Spindle. Wait for Cycle Start.
# For Mastercam:  Set Machine Type to Mill -> Default.
# Make sure to allow Tool Changing in Mastercam by insuring that: Add to tool - Length 0  Diameter 0 - is selected and set from within the Control Definition.
# Also check that the Mach3Generic.pst Post Processor is selected within both the Control Definition and Machine Group Properties.
# Make sure the proper tool number is entered within the Define Tool -> Parameters tab -> Length Offset Number. 
# The Length Offset Number and Tool# within the Define Tool box should be the same. 
# These numbers should reference the same tool# in the Mach3 tool table.
# Additionally, this Post does NOT home the tool to machine zero.  This Post DOES raise Z an absolute distance of 1" above the work surface.
# This is to give sufficient room for a tool change and to clear any holding clamps.  Make sure there is 1" or more of vertical travel.
# I believe this should be adequate for all foreseeable manual tool changes.
# --------------

This file is available freely.  Just go to WWW.LOWRYINDUSTRIES.COM and scroll to the bottom of the page.  Click the link "Bridgeport Manuals".  The file is available for download from this page, along with a great deal of other information.

the link on your page does not save the file when you click on it, or right click on it.


Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Just tried - left click to see manuals then double click to save - works OK for me.


nb. a Big thanks to LowryIndustries for making this information available - Thank you.
I have double checked the links and found no problems with downloading, so I cannot figure out where your difficulty is.

If you want, I can email the file directly to you.

The post processor has been improved with the modification of returning to the initial 0,0,0 according to the g54 reference, along with some small improvements.

Although this post was created for Mach3 on a Bridgeport Boss 6, it is entirely generic and should work with a very wide variety of milling machines.

Any chance I can get a copy of this? The website is down and no longer in service... Thank you!
If anyone still has a copy of this, please private message me, and I will shoot you my email!
Thank you!!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2015, 10:57:54 AM »
Attached is Lowryindustries original post processor from above, and his comments.

"It's been a long while since I installed it but it works like a champ.  It's a heavily modified Post file for Mach3 and Mastercam where the mill I am running is an older Bridgeport Boss 6.  The post is just about as perfect as you can ask for and I have been using it weekly if not daily for a couple years now without a problem at all.

It should work for all versions of Mastercam V9 and greater.  I am using Mastercam X5.

And the best thing about this Post Processor is it's entirely generic.  It will work on any standard mill.  It supports tool changes, tool heights, tool wear, flood cooling, etc."

Just download the attached file to (on an XP system):
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\shared mcamx5\MILL\Posts 

If you download it, please pay it forward, and help out the next guy on here, and shoot him a private message and thank him.
Hi guys,
I have tried both the generic Fanuc post and the Lowry GenericMach3 post. Both work but both also throw a line at the end of the part
program which halts my machine:
;N2532 G91 G0 G28 Z0.
As you can see I have commented it out. For some reason it tries to drive Z to -50mm which is a disaster on my machine.
I can't decide whether the post is inserting a line that Mach3 can't handle or because of some setting I have made that makes
Mach3 misinterpret the line.
Any ideas?


'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'

Offline BR549

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You need to see where you have the G28 defined as.  With M3 it is backwards to most other controllers . In M3 G28 is a defined position and G30 is the Rehome home position(backwards).

NOW why the G91 is added I don't have a clue as it has no roll it the call.

(;-) TP
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 01:24:50 PM by BR549 »
I've tried to navigate to WWW.LOWRYINDUSTRIES.COM , but there is no link for "Bridgeport Manuals". In general, it seems like this page is obsolete.

Is there somewhere else where the MasterCam postprocessor can be downloaded?