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Author Topic: spindle gone wild part 2  (Read 8036 times)

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spindle gone wild part 2
« on: May 09, 2011, 11:30:16 PM »
I have a KL2200 spindle motor on my zx45 mill. I had it running very nicely on a C10 Bob using PWM thru my parallel port. Then I decided to upgrade to Smooth stepper and a C32 BOB. This motor does not run well on 0-10 analog voltage so I have been frustrating with trying to get PWM to work. Arturo at CNC4PC has been very helpful and feels that I should have no problem getting this to work.
The problem has been that when I give a command M03 S500 the spindle runs to full rpm. That is the only command I have issued to it until tonite.
after going over everything again for the umpteenth time and just about ready to quit i typed in the command M03 S1500, the spindle went to 1700 RPM  (It is driven 2 to 1 motor 400 to 6000 spindle 200 to 3000) after I finished scratching my head I typed s2000 and watched the RPM fall to 1100
so I typed in s2500 and the RPM fell to 550?????
I am totally confused now, I upgraded to the newest development version of Mach3 and v17bd for the SS plugin have quadruple checked my conections both to the DC motor controller and BoB.
Any help is greatly appreciated and needed. Thanks. Cork.
Re: spindle gone wild part 2
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2011, 07:14:34 AM »
It sounds like you have your active HIGH or LOW setting for that pin reversed.

Offline thosj

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Re: spindle gone wild part 2
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2011, 07:58:30 AM »
Yeah, I'd say reverse Active High on the STEP pin, not the DIR pin.
Re: spindle gone wild part 2
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2011, 11:15:48 PM »
You were spot on Gentlemen, THANK YOU!!!!!