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Author Topic: multiple sessions  (Read 3415 times)

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multiple sessions
« on: May 08, 2011, 01:25:49 AM »
I am attempting to split up my work sessions (some are 12 hours in length).
The way I will attempt this is:

1.    Hit stop button
2.    Write down the line number
3.    Raise the Z height to clear the workpiece (.25 inch)
4.    Push go to zero button.
5.    Turn off machine
When starting back up, I will insert some g code in front of  the line I will be starting from (one line before the one I stopped on).
My initial starting g code steps will need to raise the z axis up .5 inches, then start my router, then go to where the job starts.
My question is this:
Which lines in my following g code will be needed for the resume code.... and will it work this way?
(Mach2/3 Postprocessor)
N20G00G20G17G20G90G40G49G80     (I could not even venture a guess as to what this is for)

The code then goes on to run the cutting directions.  I know what the xyz numbers are, but what are the T,H, and F numbers, and how would I go about adding them in front of the existing code when restarting?
Thanks much for your help...
« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 01:27:52 AM by johnnydoughey »

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Re: multiple sessions
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2011, 01:52:08 AM »
IF you are running straight Gcode without subs and outside macros Then Run from here will work fine.

At the stop point do a feedhold then stop. When stopped write down the line number.

When ready to restart load program go to the line number and press run from here.Mach will rerun the program in MEMEORY up to this point so that all the modal values are set properly then it will disp[lay a screen showing where it will go to to restart. IF you agree with these positions then answer OK and mach will restart at the end of the line BEFORE the one you requested.

NOW how accurate it will restart depends on IF and how much your machine drifts from stop position when you turn OFF the drives.

(;-) TP

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Re: multiple sessions
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2011, 01:58:41 AM »
Hi John,

The code you have there is the standard Vectric startup string. It is not all necessary for any particular machine it is just a general thing to cover almost all machines. It may be a good idea for you to look at the GCodes and MCodes (buttons of front page of Mach) to see what each item does and then decide if it is necessary for your machine.
Within Mach, go to General Logic Config page where you can enter an "Initialization String" to include any of the G or M codes you need.
Oh and don’t press stop to halt your program, use feed hold (space bar) – this brings the machine to a smooth halt without loosing steps.

Re: multiple sessions
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2011, 12:37:42 PM »
Thanks much... I'll check these ideas out...