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Author Topic: spindles gone wild!!!!!  (Read 12014 times)

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spindles gone wild!!!!!
« on: May 05, 2011, 11:58:31 PM »
Hi there!, I have a zx45 with keling steppers and drivers and a 2200 watt keling spindle motor. I was running the previous version of mach 3 with a signal amplifier and a c10 BOB. the machine ran good and I had spindle control within 3 rpm. I have had the spindle motor for 8 months now and have been very happy with it. Then I decided to do some upgrades.....................  
I purchased a c32 BOB and a smooth stepper. I read the smooth stepper site and they recommended that I use the newest development version of Mach3 so I downloaded and installed that and the ss 17bd plug-in.
In my original set up I ran my spindle with PWM and as I stated it ran good, very good!! I tried to set up ss with PWM and the motor comes on and goes to full RPM (a little sluggish) M05 will not stop the spindle. If I hit the reset in mach the spindle will stop then run backwards. if i hit the E Stop the spindle will stop.
I have the motor tuning set at 1 step per velocity at 1 and acceleration at max, although I have made many changes to these settings.
I have changed PWM in the smooth stepper pull down from 235 hz up to 2000. It seems to make no difference. In the mach spindle setup I have spindle in sync checked and spindle averaging. NO  closed loop.
I have changed to different output pins with no change and have double checked to make sure the dir pin is not in the wrong spot.
I did add a 12 volt power supply and ran the thing off of the analog voltage function from the c32 BOB. my motor control also will support analog voltage as a secondary method of control. It was very difficult to calibrate and after I got it done I ran a program. The motor was very sluggish and Mach did not keep it any closer than 70 rpm from target also the motor would bog 250 rpm on plunges at 3 ipm. It never ran that poorly before.
I need some help. I am sure that I am overlooking something and am at my wits end. Thanks in advance, Cork

Offline thosj

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Re: spindles gone wild!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2011, 07:25:28 AM »
You might post on the Yahoo group, it seems to garner more attention from the actual Mach folks.

That said, I have a SS and PMDX 126/107 and my spindle works fine. Not sure what I can do to help, info wise.

I use SS 17bd and Mach dev rev 035. My SS pulldown has PWM set to 2000. Ports & Pins Spindle Setup has PWM at 20 and checked like yours.

Spindle tuning is: Steps per - 1000, Velocity - 14940, Acceleration - 5000, Step Pulse 3 Dir Pulse 5

I can't seem to attach anything here anymore, or I'd attach a screen shot of my spindle tuning and my XML.

If there's something else you'd like me to look at, fire away, but I'll be gone most of today here in US Central time.

OH, and I just checked as I don't use a C32, but a brief glance at the manual makes it seem a C32 is only step/dir spindle control, so unless you're using something else to control the PWM spindle, this could be the problem. Of course, I could be way off base here as, like I said, I don't OWN a CNC4PC BOB.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 07:30:31 AM by thosj »

Offline Jeff_Birt

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Re: spindles gone wild!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2011, 09:14:06 AM »
Can you attach your XML file? I'll take a peak at it and see if anything looks wrong.
Happy machining , Jeff Birt
Re: spindles gone wild!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2011, 10:14:51 AM »
Thanks for the reply's Thosj and Jeff. I will check with cnc4pc about what outputs the c32 supports. I have my spindle plugged into one of the 6 axis outputs?
I am at work now but as soon as I get home this evening I will attach the xml file Jeff.
Thanks again for the quick replys. Cork :)

Offline thosj

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Re: spindles gone wild!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2011, 10:49:13 AM »
I'm not certain, but I think you need a PWM spindle controller. Like a CNC4PC C41 or something. If you want to use Step/Dir spindle control, your C32 might do that, but not PWM. I could be wrong, probably AM!!!

Re: spindles gone wild!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2011, 11:05:18 AM »
I just went to the cnc4pc and it does state that the c32 BOB only supports TTL signals. I am not the sharpest crayon in the box but I am kind of thinking Thosj is right, that mite be my problem.
I may research comming straight off of the SS port 3 for my spindle control. if that does not seem viable then i will check on the cnc4pc c41. Any suggestions or input is appreciated. Thanks again, Cork :)