The indexer takes nothing at all to move without the motor on it, I can take the minute degree wheel connected to the worm drive and just touch it with my finger and get movement. I will also confess to not bring able to wrap my head around the power rpm calculations for the servos powers and speed. Many of the servos I see have a max voltage of 90 VDC, many also are 24VDC, if I hook up the 117 to it I can’t see how it won’t burn it up, or do I need to reduce or add another power supply to create the proper RPM’s?
I should have also said that it originally came with a stepper motor. A Slo-Syn M092-FD09, I was able to find some info on it.
This is all that’s on the motor.
2.5 VDC
4.8 Amps
200 steps /rev
I found this info doing a search on the motor.
Max holding torque
(Unipolar) 300 oz-in
(Bipolar) 370 oz-in
(Rotor inertia) 0.0174 oz-in
It also had
Minimum holding torque
2 on 300 oz
1 on 180 oz
I am usually pretty good at picking up on things like this but I am having a heck of a time because I don’t full understand it all.