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Author Topic: Auto-height-compensation possible?  (Read 7974 times)

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Re: Auto-height-compensation possible?
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2011, 12:23:24 PM »
Adding the engraving-paths on the solid is not the problem, resp. my CAM will do this ;)

Doing the scan and meshing the cloud is still my problem. Or even how the origin is defined and recalled when engraving and things like that

And Laser scanning is not what i'm looking for. I'd like to use a probe with a precision-sensor (under 2µm accuracy). So i hope to get around 0,001" at the end.
Do you know points2cloud? It's free and i'd try with this first.

Thank you, but i'm not sure how this could help me? Maybe my english is too bad after all, but i don't see how i could use this for this purpose

Still no idea who tried that too?
Plz excuse my english, I'm german :-D
Re: Auto-height-compensation possible?
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2011, 05:58:33 AM »

when Marc told me about this I thought that would be easy to do in Mach and so I told him, that I would look into it.

My first try was to simply change the reference system (G54 etc.) according to the height profile. This apparently is not looked at during a move.
My 2nd try was to directly modify the trajectory buffer's Z position. This somehow works but this way I redo some work, which the engine does anyhow:
The engine must keep somewhere what the destination coordinates are and fill the trajectory buffer accordingly.
Changing those coordinates' Z part as a function of XY position seems to me the easiest way to achieve the height compensation.
However, looking through the headers I couldn't figure out, where this would be stored.
Does anybody know if this is accessible from within a plugin?

Cheers, Frank.