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Author Topic: Sherline mill 5400 - Motors not moving the didstance Mach3 DRO shows  (Read 9882 times)

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Re: Sherline mill 5400 - Motors not moving the didstance Mach3 DRO shows
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2011, 02:27:20 PM »
Ok, I found the information. I went to sherlines website and found this:

Motor Connectors:

∙ 5-pin DIN male
∙ Five to 30 volts (better performance at higher voltage)
∙ 2 amp unipolar configuration
∙ 800 steps per revolution (microstepping), equates to 16,000 steps/inch with .050" pitch leadscrew

so it is 16000 is what I need. I do have the sherline half step checked also.
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