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Author Topic: THC unwanted movements...  (Read 3271 times)

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THC unwanted movements...
« on: March 05, 2011, 02:36:26 AM »
In order to move the Z axis while the program is running,
i have activated the THC UP and THC DOWN inputs,
emulated with PageUp and PageDown keyboard buttons.

Also, THC is enabled on the "MIll Options" menu.
The Z axis moves very nice with the specified speed (0-100%).

My problem is when i press "pause" and after that "start" again,
the Z axis makes a movement Up or Down, which i dont want at all,
because my torch touches the plate!

The movement is:
Up if before "pause" i have pressed "THC UP" or Down if
i have pressed "THC Down".

I have tried many combinations of THC on or off, G28.1,
external buttons at the parallel port, but still the same.

Have you ever seen that? I can't find a specific post.
Any i deas will help.
Thank you!
Re: THC unwanted movements...
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2011, 01:47:58 PM »
The only way I know is to hit "STOP" before rapid or gotoz's.
Just put this into a button for  "GotoZ's". this will clear the Height control DRO then goto zero.
sleep (1000)

Works for me