Thank you. What I'm actually trying to produce is a tapered hole with a radius. A tapered end mill won't do it. It would be more similar to a "cornering" endmill. The part would look similar to the air intake on a jet engine, with a radius on the leading edge. I also have "bobcad v17", but am not familiar enough w/ it's 3D to produce the necessary "G" code. After my experiences with "bobcad's free lifetime" tech support, I gave up on them. "free lifetime tech support" was one of their big selling points, but the "lifetime" part seemed to expire with the death of their office mascot and was going to cost $100.00 a year thereafter. They even accused me of altering the original paperwork they sent w/ the program to include the word "free lifetime". Good program (as far as I can tell) but pathetic, questionable customer support.