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Author Topic: No Grex Hardware Detected  (Read 13549 times)

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Offline KG

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No Grex Hardware Detected
« on: November 13, 2006, 12:01:58 AM »
Hi all,

I'm a newbie to the Artsoft community.  Please welcome me with open arms and a cold beer.
My background is in Electronics, however I picked up the CNC bug, and I'm going for broke on
this project.  Seemed that the G100 and the G212's were the best investments.

Formalities aside, and without further ado...

here is where I'm at....

I installed Mach3 Release 1.84.002, saved the G100.m3p to the MACH directory.  Restarted the system, ran Mach.
Upon selecting config>grex control, the stat window responded with "No Grex Hardware Detected"
I have loaded "G101_DLP_3750_051028" into the firmware of the G100 via the utility. 

So my question is: "What am I doing wrong ?"

Thanks in advance!

Re: No Grex Hardware Detected
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2006, 07:50:59 AM »
There was a "How To" for the Grex on the forum did you have a look at that?

also what are you running for a cable? if you are going right from the LAN port to the G100 you will need a cross over cable.

Fixing problems one post at a time ;)


Offline KG

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Re: No Grex Hardware Detected
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2006, 03:31:33 PM »
Hi Brian,

Thanks for the reply.  I did a search for the HowTo but came up with nada.

Perhaps you were referring to the following post by Art back in June:


Verison 1.90.051 is online as is the first Test PlugIn for the G100.

To test your G100 functionallity in terms of IO, just copy the G100.dll to the plugins folder in your Mach3 installation. You must be using .051 version to test the G100.

Id be interested in any feedback on how easy it is , or how difficult it is to get running, I have puposfully
made no instructions on installing or getting this plugin running. The program should guide you sufficiently.

Remember, to configure any plugin, including a G100, you select operator/Config plugins..

That knowledge shoudl be all thats required. You wont get movement on this plugin of any type, but all IO
is functional, and connection to the G100 should be immediate, and with no errors unless your G100's
address is wrong. The program will prompt you if this is the case and allow you to correct the trouble. It will also recognise if the firmware in the G100 is not running. Eventually, it will be able to start the firmware in the G100 on its own.

Anyone who feels they can understand the C++ code for this plugin,or are devloping their own External device just send me a letter offline, and I will send you a copy of the plugin project. It is open source as of now. Eventually, Ill post it on the support website.

The new plugin release is on the downloads page directly under the 1.90.051 download.

Good luck, let me know what bugs you find in its operation, it seems to be very stable so far, but Im sure someone out there can find what Ive missed, you guys are good at that. .

Next functional add-in to this code will be Jogging. Hopefully by next week, then GCode movement. Then homing and probing and we're pretty much done till the next firmware is offcially released. Soem recoding will then be necessary.



My confusion exists firstly with the fact that the plug in referenced to G100.DLL, not G100.m3p as is currently available on the site.
Also my version of (The about screen says R1.84.00), does not have a "Config plugins" under the operator menu.  Am I using the wrong version?

The G100 is connected to my LAN router, I was able to upgrade the firmware via Ethernet.  With the GeckoMotion firmware, I am able to connect and manipulate the G100 with the GREX Tester Utility.

I have also tried Config>Grex Control, but it keeps saying "No GRex hardware detected".  Sorry to be so wordy, but I felt it important to lay it all out.

Thanks again for any help.


Kenneth Graham

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Re: No Grex Hardware Detected
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2006, 03:46:20 PM »
Look at the grex for dummies here



Offline KG

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Re: No Grex Hardware Detected
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2006, 09:48:41 PM »
Hi Chad,

Thank you.   I went thru that tutorial, unfortunately my problem seems to be beyond the scope of that tutorial.

Can anyone here state with certainty:

A) What Mach version they are using for their GREX, and
B) The filename of the Firmware they used to update their G100.

Once I nail this down I can narrow my focus.


Kenneth Graham

Offline chad

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Re: No Grex Hardware Detected
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2006, 11:12:23 PM »

First I would recommend downloading the latest version of mach 3. Download the latest g-100 plug in from the same place. Make sure it is installed (just double click it).
Mach should find it regardless of the firmware version (as long as you have one installed). Did you configure the plug in in mach?  What IPs do you have for everything? Can you get to it with the web browser -*********.*********.*********.*********
Before it runs the firmware (typically only 10 seconds or so after reboot).

I am not sure how the 1.84 version works with the g100, I would get the latest.

Give us some more info on what is happening and what is not.

I am at home and i don't remember what firmware i have in my mill. I am using a 2.0+ for mach..


Offline KG

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Re: No Grex Hardware Detected
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2006, 12:33:55 AM »
Hi Chad,

I think I'm making some progress now. 

I downloaded Mach3 R2.0.009, installed it.

I dropped the G100.M3A in the root directory, then ran the M3A application - selected the G100 M3A, which then deleted the G100.M3A in the root and created the G100.DLL in the Plug directory.  -- Is that normal?

After a few reboots, and changing the GREX IP from to (my MACH box is on,  I'm now able to access the plug in configurations for the Grex.  I assume that all the necessary features can be accessed via the plug configuration is that correct?

Thanks again!


Kenneth Graham
« Last Edit: November 14, 2006, 12:40:02 AM by KG »

Offline chad

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Re: No Grex Hardware Detected
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2006, 02:27:00 AM »
YAY! Making progress..

Once you have mach talking to the grex you won't have to mess with things in the config plug in too much.
Continue from here setting inputs and outputs. Set your steps per and velocity. you should be pretty close to moving motors. If your estop is flashing just look under ports and pins and clicl active low. The g rex still has some bugaboos soft limits don't work, spindle sync, and it has this nasty habit of just stopping a job, you can hit stop in mach and it will stop and you can do a run from here. All in all it works pretty well, there is a pending firmware update (couple of months) that is supposed to fix these things.

good luck

Offline KG

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Re: No Grex Hardware Detected
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2006, 02:28:27 AM »
Hi Chad,

Unfortunately I had some problems with my Gantry and had to replace some bearings, back on track now.
Got some motors moving properly.  Now onto the manual to delve into the business of syncing Mach with my Router:  screw pitch, homing etc...  So far so good.  Thanks for the pointers!


Kenneth Graham
Re: No Grex Hardware Detected
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2007, 10:31:13 AM »
please help,
I was setting up my g100 for mach 3, I hit a button that saidif you hit this button it reboot or something, i cant get back to that page. now my computer will not reconize my grex. it says no grex dected. I have 
tried everything I can think of I talked to gecko they not sure they say I need to reflash my g100.
has any body had a problem like this .