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Author Topic: false limit switch trigger when cut chatters  (Read 2984 times)

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false limit switch trigger when cut chatters
« on: December 05, 2010, 03:45:49 PM »
I am cutting a 3D surface, about 20" x 20", max Z of 0.7" in soft pine with 3/8" ball nose bit at 6000RPM 100 IPM feed.  Every time it shifts Y axis it is at full depth and cause the wood/bit to chatter - this then triggers a limit switch.  I have been using the machine for a couple of years now, and this problem has not really been an issue, I just slow the feed down a bit and everything is OK.  However with a 3D surface - its going to take 4 hours at 100IPM, I would not like to slow it down any more (besides 70IPM does not fix the problem).

I have tried securing the board more, with no luck.

Any suggestions?

Offline ger21

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Re: false limit switch trigger when cut chatters
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2010, 05:02:51 PM »
increase the debounce setting in general config. Try 2000-5000.

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Re: false limit switch trigger when cut chatters
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2010, 05:40:17 PM »
that worked excellent!  thanks!