Thanks for the NEW improved File, (it washes clothes well !) Seriously I have just downloaded it so haven't had a chance to try it out...
One thing I did notice was that every second line had Xnn, Ynn, R1.5 and then the next line had the Xnn Ynn Znn. will this not create a slight scollop shape befor the drop in Z-height? (I also added the G94 [feed per mm] as I have no feed back to the spindle for a G95 [feed per RREV] )
What was the reasoning for adding the R1.5..?
Over the week end I was having a think (couldn't do much else as I fell through the Ceiling onto the CNC table and have hurt my back aslo brused my pride rather surverly) if I can set the Zheight then carry out a Xnn Ynn Inn Jnn G-code would this give me a smoother cutting file, I realise that the Zhieght would remain constant but because of the shape I would either be cutting less or more material depending on where about on the shape I was cutting??