Nice job, I have an Ikegai lathe that is similar to yours, How did it run? I think I will do something very similar when I retrofit mine.
I have a bunch of questions if you dont mind:
1. If it has the Fanuc DC servos on it like mine, How did the drives work out? They look nice and are a decent price.
Also if they are the Fanuc DC servos can you give me some hints or a diagram on how you wired the encoders to your drives?
2. You must be using the arduino for tool change logic and also getting inputs from switches and other things into mach3 how did that all work out?
3. Did you get the bugs worked out?
4. Does your lathe have the hydraulic operated turret? controlled with SOL valves and a hyd. motor? If so how hard was it to implement the tool change logic?
I almost convinced myself that it would be easier to use a geared servo for the turret positioning.
I would really appreciate this info it would save me alot of research.