Tripleblack: My next step is to set up a touch off probe, right now I'm doing it manually (jog z down until it touches then zero it) Hooked everything back up on PP last night and it works fine. I put a piece of 16 ga expanded in it and cut a 4" square When it finished cutting I found the mouse had quit. Mach still running, everything else ok. Unplugged the mouse, plugged it back in and it came back, tried it again did the same thing. The interupted cut knocks the mouse out every time. Doesn't effect the key board though. I think whatever is doing this is what knocked out the SS. It cuts solid material without any problem. I do have to cut a lot of expanded material and I just want to make shure this isn't hurting anything else. I can cure the mouse problem by going back to a non-usb mouse. That would be a pain to write the g-code to turn the torch off at every opening!! Yes, cutting expanded eats up the torch tips as the electrode is arcing to the tip instead of material. Oh, I was not trying to cut expanded when I was trying the SS, I was cutting 16ga sheet.
Thanks, Jeff Simpkins