I am a new user and when through the tutorial on homing and limits.
When I home my mill and reposition the tool to the middle of the table the crosshair in the display window do not move to the middle of the table limits (which show up as dotted lines unlike the totorial). They move in the oppisiite direction. When I regen the tool path the tool is center in the display but way outside the table limits. In other words, the table limits did not move in the display. It act as if the crosshair is fixed on the home position
I ran the example (shapes) and it exicute correctly from the position I set as the starting point. Just the display is off. What am I doing wrong?
In addition, to home my mill I turn off the limit switches and made them home switches. Just wondering if it is standard practice to home the mill and then revert the home switches back to limits? Is there a way to have both when having only one input per axis?