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Author Topic: Mach did again!  (Read 36695 times)

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Offline Hood

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Re: Mach did again!
« Reply #50 on: October 01, 2010, 02:25:37 AM »
I do not use G54 or G55 in my code.

Could the problem lie in my pulses being to fast? Parallel Port?

You do, you use at least G54 as you can not use anything else unless your code has a G53 on every single line of code.
G54 is the default offset and it is the numbers you have in the DROs and it is the offset you are changing when you zero an axis..
Please try doing the Ref all as I mentioned above, it will set your machine coords to zero and then you can move to where you want and zero each axis and that will set your G54 offset to zero and you can start again.

Pulsing too fast is not  good and will definitely cause you problems, if you are not running Mach when getting that message then there does indeed seem to be an issue with your computer and the pulsing engine.


Re: Mach did again!
« Reply #51 on: October 01, 2010, 09:55:07 AM »
Hood, thanks for all the input the past two days
The problem that is being discused here is very similar to what I have been fighting, After a tool change M6 T?? the system loses or resets the home position in X especially if you change from G54 to any other offset, I have also noticed that the tool path is reversed in X and Y when the program and if you have soft limits set they will show a over travel in one axis or another. I suspect that only using G54 corrects this problem. I will test this theory today.
So it looks like I an not the only one fighting this problem.

Offline Hood

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Re: Mach did again!
« Reply #52 on: October 01, 2010, 10:44:33 AM »
To be honest the only similarities I see  between them is that the machines are not doing what you are expecting them to do. Yours I think is a plugin issue but I am certainly no expert.  I can however say I use offsets and tool changes(not automatic height setting) all the time on the mill and I have never witnessed the axis reversing.
Did DSPMC have anything to say?
Re: Mach did again!
« Reply #53 on: October 01, 2010, 11:20:08 AM »
No I have heard nothing form the DSPMC guy's or from my post
Just to confirm the program does not run reversed it runs normal only the tool path display reverses or after a tool change using (auto height settings)
M6 T4
G55 x0.0 y0.0
G00 G43 H4 Z1.0
there is a 50/50 Chance that it will not go to G55 it will be off in x or if it does and you go back to G54 after tool change it will be lost
I have not tried using auto height to see if it makes a difference

Offline Hood

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Re: Mach did again!
« Reply #54 on: October 01, 2010, 11:30:35 AM »
Hopefully they will reply, at least they will be able to test things out with a DSPMC. Even if they come back and say all works fine there with your xml and code it will at least be another possibility removed.

Just to clarify the reason I dont see these being similar is
ranchak's problem doesnt seem to involve the tool change as it happens at other times although a toolchange seems to be  most common. Also it would seem he only uses the G54 offset where as your problems seems to be centred around the offset change and also your toolpath reverses where ranchaks doesnt.


« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 11:32:49 AM by Hood »
Re: Mach did again!
« Reply #55 on: October 01, 2010, 11:42:30 AM »
Valid points, I will running the machine and working on debugging over the next few days and I will let every know what the conclusion is

Offline Hood

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Re: Mach did again!
« Reply #56 on: October 01, 2010, 01:14:31 PM »
Look forward to the results, hopefully they will lead to a solution.

Offline rcaffin

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Re: Mach did again!
« Reply #57 on: October 02, 2010, 06:17:36 AM »
M6 T4
G55 x0.0 y0.0
G00 G43 H4 Z1.0

Purely out of curiosity, what happens if you rewrite this as
M6 T4
g0 x0 y0
g43 H4
g0 z1

I have limited faith in the ability of ANY parser to always interpret the more complex statements correctly. I prefer to treat systems as being slightly simple-minded...

Re: Mach did again!
« Reply #58 on: October 02, 2010, 06:43:09 PM »
In reply to egerber.

 I am not sure that the DSPMC supports soft limits. It didn't originally and I am not sure if it does now.
I don't use any of the offsets other than g54 so I don't know if I have the problem or not.

I will respond to your post in the dspmc section.
We never have the time or money to do it right the first time, but we somehow manage to do it twice and then spend the money to get it right.
Re: Mach did again!
« Reply #59 on: October 05, 2010, 12:22:32 PM »
I was running my mill yesterday and needed to have a feature of the program run before it got to the end of the code so stopping the code and then scrolling down to find the line i needed i did a set next line and run from here started mach and the machine cut the feature but when the code finished and i did a return to Z on the mach panel it ran the mill to another point other then the original home point and ran the cutter way deeper then it was set is this whats happening to you?
