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Author Topic: Just checking set up - first timer  (Read 2685 times)

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Just checking set up - first timer
« on: September 14, 2010, 11:42:34 AM »
I am right on the verge of connecting my driver boards, BoB, limits, inputs and outputs motors etc, etc
Now most of you older hands might be able to remember what it was like - All that hard earned money sat on a desk in front of you
With the chance you could see it all go up in smoke??? that very first time
So I thought I would ask the stupid questions now before I make that fatal assumption (I think I know what I'm doing).
This might seem very long winded, stick with me, please
PS Is there anyone in the southwest (UK) doing similar??

Machine = Plasma, Two drive on the Y axis, Z axis Floating Head, adding LCTHC at later date (PCI port addition)

Parr Port Pin   Signal      In/Output
1      Charge pump   out
2      X Dir      out
3      X Step      out
4      Y Dir      out
5      Y Step      out
6      z Dir      out
7      Z Step      out
8      A Dir (Slave)   out
9      A Step      out
10      Limits & Homes   in
11      Home (Slave)   in
12      Z Home       in
13      ????      in
14      14 output      out
15      E-Stop      in
16      16 output      out
17      17 output      out
18 - 20 PC ground   Ground      

Limits & Homes wired in series for Mach to sort,
soft limits
What am I missing

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Re: Just checking set up - first timer
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2010, 02:25:02 PM »
Looks fine, then again been a while since I have used the parallel port ;D