Happy Easter everybody!
I have an Chinese made router, distributed by IEHK (
www.iehk.net) that, a week or so ago, I converted from pendant controller RZ********* to mach3 control.
Just to mention, I'm an electronic guy so I made my own BOB (original pendant has differential outputs, so the BOB that I made is converting LPT port Step and Dir signals to differential ones).
Today, I started a job which is 350 x 450 mm and has 7 roughing passes and one finishing.
After tool change for a finishing pass I've noticed that my origin has moved approx 0.4 mm per pass, approx 3 mm in total, both in X and Y direction. Haven't been by machine all the time, but I guess that the move occurred after every pass.
Machine is servo driven with 2.2 kW water cooled spindle.
Could not figure what caused this moving of work origin.
Attached .xml
And, screenset is Blue Tex with some scripts modified