I wanted to mention that when/if (crossing my fingers) the new Flash interface is finished you'll be able to open up seaprate windows of any componet you want.
These windows can be dragged,resized,minimized,fullscreen,transparent backgrounds ext..
To test them out you would load the screen from this URL:
http://www.vileguitars.com/MachFlash/Mastercon/master.swfand open up any of these exe files on your desk top.
vileguitars.com/MachFlash/Mastercon/new connection test.zipvileguitars.com/MachFlash/Mastercon/new connection alpha test.zip (these have transparency).
They will communicate with Mach no matter where you place them.
Here is a picture of them on my desktop:
*Currently and very soon you will be able to run Mach from a web address, you will be able to control from anywhere in the world.
I find this useful for my self. Some of my projects take hours to cut out. I go up to my office and start working on the next project. I have a camera hooked up so I can watch the machine. Very soon I will be able to go on line, log in and control the machine from my office via the internet. I will have another post if any one wants to ask question or comments.