Hey guys/gals first time poster long time troller. I am having issues with both my on board pp and the PCI PP (rosewill rc-303) card that i got from newegg today. I am hoping the issues is me and not the hardware. When i check the voltage on the db25 i am checking pin 2,25 and 3,25 and i either get 3.3v with the on board or 5v with the PCI or nothing at all. If i read things correctly i should be seeing the pin put out roughly half of the voltage when the output signal is low. With the on board i have gone into the bios and tried all of the different settings that was available (directional,bidirectional,epp,epc) without seeing any change in voltage levels. I did the driver test and everything says that it is doing great.
I am going into the conf ports and pins and setting the correct address for either my on board or pci. I just have one drive connected at this time so i have just enabled the x axis and have 2 pin for step and the 3 pin for direction. I have also have the port set to 1. I have nothing selected in the input or output tabs and i have selected assume home if no inputs. I can see the DRO jog in both axis but i only get a voltage reading in one direction. The million dollar question is what am i doing wrong. What i settings are people running with the PP ie legacy on or changing the config in any other way? Below is my hardware setup.
P4 3ghz
Intel D845PEBT2 MB
2 gigs ram
Nvidia mx 440 agp
Rosewill RC-303 PCI DB25
clean install of XP Pro SP3
drives are API P261_do microsteppers
test motors are 4 wire 2 amp nema 17.
DB25 bob