The thread Gcode file is generated by Bobcad V3 a line contains S100 I think this means the spindle speed should be 100RPM.
The required spindle speed 100 is in one box the box above actual spindle speed 108RPM , in the setup for the spindle Use spindle feedback in sync mode ticked,
close loop spindle control ticked,spindle averaging ticked. Motor control use spindle motor output ticked PWM ticked. PWM base frequency 20.
What is spindle ratio control which reads 0.1221
The SS is connected to I think a MB-02V6 and a Digispeed DC-03 and a single slot index disk.
I want to cut a thread with 3mm pitch 28 mm dia. I am awaiting some hard wax to cut the thread on so not to waste metal.
I hope the above makes some sense