got a g540 and mach3 hooked up with 3 steppers, Terminal 1,2,3,4 and 10 are grounded. (simulating home and estop switches) . Mach 3 is setup and sees the home switches. ( Port 1, pins 10,11,and 12 ) The problem is with the e stop. I set up Mach3 ESTOP input to port 1 and pin 15. Is this correct. Mach 3 will se the estop but can't reset the g540 unless I use port 0 in Mach 3 ( which dissables it ) . If i put LOW true on the ESTOP input I can get mach3 to clear the red LED on its Diagnostics displat (Emergency LED) . If I dont use the estop input I can clear the errors and get the G540 to go green ( no fault ) and get motors to run. I can then pull the estop ground on the G540 and get a fault. So it works on the G540. But the question is how do i get an ESTOP error to show up on Mach 3 as an Emergency LED on the daig screen. Port 1 pin ??.