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Author Topic: Drawing into LC and then to Mach  (Read 30606 times)

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Re: Drawing into LC and then to Mach
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2009, 03:18:49 PM »
Meant to attach pokemon
Saved it as Lcam file to open again later
Re: Drawing into LC and then to Mach
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2009, 04:21:02 PM »
Don't know what I did but got it to load in Mach.
Was playing with it in Lcam and then posted code a couple times and then went to Mach and the whole thing was there
Wish I could remember what I did.
Going to do a new drawing and clean the speckles out first and try again but write down what I do.
After a couple tries it should stick in my head
Ya'd think I was blond.haha
Oh well play and play again
Re: Drawing into LC and then to Mach
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2009, 09:59:43 AM »
Sorry took so long to post again, but have been getting the machine setup.
Am now engraving. have had some success with all the help here.
Too much software out there to get confused over.
Like the CamBam and Inkscape.  I have corel and photoshop too.
So on to playing with images and tracing and all.
Going to make some plaques with grandkids names and some graphics.
Re: Drawing into LC and then to Mach
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2009, 06:39:53 PM »
Hi Earl here
Have posted a few times now and
You helped me out getting into Inkscape.

Now problem...............
I take an image and place into my work area on Inkscape, then I also add an area of text.
e.g. Emma's Room
Now I want to turn it all into a workable DXF file.
I seem to be hit and miss on being able to do this.
I try to select all then  path/trace and not seem to be picking up
Other steps involved?? find edges before tracing.?
Could you explain one more time.
I have also been playing with CamBam but thinking that get used to
 Inkscape, then Lcam then Mach should be lots to deal with
Thanks for help
ps Been doing some awsome image only engraving of Wile Coyote and the Lightning Mcqueen car and Ariel
Problems with Inkscape and DRM
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2010, 11:45:59 AM »
Have been pulling my hair out for two weeks now.  Computer (Dell with 2.5 gig mem, 160 gig harddrive, running Windows XP).  Computer crashed big time.  Had to wipe my harddrive and reinstall programs.   You know the drill and the frustrations involved with tasks like that.  It didn't solve all my problems.

Next time I re-booted the computer my screen was filled with 30-40 dot dll folders and other files.  Deleted them.  Rebooted later, same problem.

Discovered that Inkscape and program called DRM Removal Package have some similarly named applications and Dlls buried in them.  My computer did not know if it was coming or going when trying to load the programs and it was proliferating the files over and over.   In my case the solution was to delete Inkscape because I am using the DRM package regularly. I don't think either program was maliciously attacking my computer - it was just an unfortunate coincidence.

DRM is not a cad or cnc program.  It used to convert electronic book formats.  Unless you install it,  Inkscape should not present problems.

Re: Drawing into LC and then to Mach
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2010, 04:14:53 PM »
I know what you mean.
I can work with my files on cpu in garage, have Mach3, CorelDraw10, and TraceArt on it and occasionally freezes up but the one upstairs in house has so much software on it I need to delete something. Keeps freezing and crashing.
Stopped using Inkscape found Acme TraceArt works very good and saves as DXF for most of what I need.
I am using corelDraw more and am able to export as DXF for Lcam
The more I use coreldraw the more I find I can do with it
Re: Drawing into LC and then to Mach
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2010, 11:56:47 PM »
A lot of people want to know how to take a picture and turn it to g code and machine it. I struggled for a long time trying to find the best ways to do this. I now can do a lot of these things. What I invested in was a couple Adobe programs (Photoshop and Illustrator), and obtained Mastercam x3. I rarely use my Autocad, as it seems more suited for mechanical drawing than manipulating artistic renderings. Mastercam will do amazing things with jpeg photos all by itself. you'd be blown away with this amazing cam software. But if you like drawing freehand sketches, you could scan your drawing, then either vectorize it with Illustrator or load it directly in Mcam and let it sort it out. Mastercam X has an art feature that can even make your object 3-D. Long story short, if there's one software you need (besides Mach) try to get Mastercam.