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Author Topic: XBox360 Controller Plugin New User Info  (Read 229980 times)

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Re: XBox360 Controller Plugin New User Info
« Reply #100 on: January 04, 2016, 11:57:50 PM »
This Xbox controller is way cool! Looked at just the first and last of these pages so if this is answered already sorry...

I have a VBscript that runs a touch probe...how can I make one of the buttons on the XBox controller run this code? Can I assign a macro to call it? Can not see that the VBScript actually has a name (just attached to a button)??

I would really like to run the touch probe from the XBox controller


Offline Helicopterjohn

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Re: XBox360 Controller Plugin New User Info
« Reply #101 on: January 14, 2016, 03:14:18 PM »
Hi Leslie,

Not sure if I understand your correctly, but if you go to the top menu bar and selector (Operator) and then click on (Edit Button Script) it should highlight all the available buttons that have scripts attached to them.  Just click on the button script you want to copy, open it and select all of the contents and go to i.e. mach3/macros/your machine name/ Then right click to add new txt document and paste those contents into the new file.  Resave the file utilizing sample/ macro-XBoxBtn.m1s   You can then delete the .txt file from your macros folder.  If you know the actual script button you can just copy that button script contents and rename it i.e. XBoxBtn.M1s.  I believe you have 8 of these Macro-XboxBtns available for your personal customization.

You can also look at all the listed macros in (your machine) macros folder by right clicking each of them and select open with notepad and it will display the macro contents i.e. the instructions given to Mach3.  Once you find the one you are looking for just do a save as and rename it i.e. XboxBtn.M1S.  Then restart Mach3 and it should work.

Once you have your macro created in (your machine) Open mach3 go to config/config plugins and open the Xbox 360 controller config.  Utilizing the drop down menus select the appropriate button and select XboxBtn.M1s assigning that macro to that button.  Exit Mach3 and restart and your button should work.

This has helped me get my Xbox 360 controller customized to fit my personal needs.

Many thanks to Lee for developing this great plugin. :)

I am working on a more detailed instruction  with photos to better explain the process and will post once it is complete.  Might even put together a video.  If you would like to discuss further you are welcome to send me a private message.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 03:15:54 PM by Helicopterjohn »
Shopbot PRT 48 X 96  Gekco 203V drives, PMDX-126 Multi-Mode Breakout Board, PMDX-107 Isolated Speed Control, (2) Ea. PMDX-133 3-axis Daisy-Chainable Motherboard for Gekco 203V's, PMDX-2PARPCi Dual Parallel Port Card, Super PID Speed Controller, 2010 Screen Set, Solid State Relays for dust/coolant.

Offline Helicopterjohn

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Re: XBox360 Controller Plugin New User Info
« Reply #102 on: January 15, 2016, 08:27:36 AM »
Hi Leslie,

Here is the file I promised on how to add new macros to your macro folder in Mach3 and how to attach them to the Xbox 360 Controller plugin config screen.  I am currently running a modified 2010 ScreenSet.  The attached file is formatted in Microsoft Word.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 08:30:43 AM by Helicopterjohn »
Shopbot PRT 48 X 96  Gekco 203V drives, PMDX-126 Multi-Mode Breakout Board, PMDX-107 Isolated Speed Control, (2) Ea. PMDX-133 3-axis Daisy-Chainable Motherboard for Gekco 203V's, PMDX-2PARPCi Dual Parallel Port Card, Super PID Speed Controller, 2010 Screen Set, Solid State Relays for dust/coolant.
Re: XBox360 Controller Plugin New User Info
« Reply #103 on: January 15, 2016, 09:41:04 AM »
Thanks for the information and the file...will check it out...

Offline Helicopterjohn

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Re: XBox360 Controller Plugin New User Info
« Reply #104 on: January 15, 2016, 11:33:38 AM »
Hi Leslie,

You are welcome.  I had the same issues as you and a friend helped me figure it out.  Just thought I would pass along something to make it easier for other Mach3 users.  BTY.  The 2010 Screen Set is really nice.  Check it out.  Makes for a real professional looking screen.  My friend also helped me add some macro buttons to the right side of the screen to make it even better.

Here is a url link to show you the software and hardware retrofit i performed on my PRT Shopbot CNC router to Mach3 with the modified 2010 Screen Set.


Shopbot PRT 48 X 96  Gekco 203V drives, PMDX-126 Multi-Mode Breakout Board, PMDX-107 Isolated Speed Control, (2) Ea. PMDX-133 3-axis Daisy-Chainable Motherboard for Gekco 203V's, PMDX-2PARPCi Dual Parallel Port Card, Super PID Speed Controller, 2010 Screen Set, Solid State Relays for dust/coolant.
Re: XBox360 Controller Plugin New User Info
« Reply #105 on: January 16, 2016, 11:48:10 AM »
Nice video John! I like your machine...it looks like it is built like a CNC Plasma (using the metal vgroove wheels and angle iron for track)...I was spying on your machine and noticed the carriage seems to be using the lower horizontal leg of the angle iron for the hold down (no "lower" angle on the bootom of the carriage)...I have not seen a setup like this before...I assume it is sturdy, as the overall machine looks pretty stout!

Another question...how is your router bit "attached" to the other en of the touch plate? On my setup, I have to put an alligator on the bit, to complete the circuit with the touch plate.


Offline Helicopterjohn

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Re: XBox360 Controller Plugin New User Info
« Reply #106 on: January 17, 2016, 09:14:27 AM »
Hi Leslie,

I understand what you are talking about on the over/under V rollers.  My Shopbot PRT is an older model and they use the weight of the carriage assembly to hold it on the rails i.e. angle iron.  It is pretty heavy and I have had no issues cutting wood, plastic etc.  Shopbot has changed the design on their newer models using a 80/20 extrusion type of construction. I find that utilizing Mach3 along with the PMDX electronics has created a really nice (TROUBLE FREE) setup.  The OEM hardware and associated software were "old school".  Mach3 utilizing the electronics package mentioned above, the 2010 Screen Set, and the fully programmed Xbox 360 Controller is a pleasure to use.

Some routers have insulated housings and it is not possible to get a ground through the outer case and you have to ground the router bit i.e. alligator clip to make it work.  On the Porter Cable router I have it is possible to get a ground through the outer housing and I have it grounded to my PMDX break out board.  The round brass piece that the router bit touches completes the circuit.

Hope the information on the macros got your probe working off your Xbox 360 Controller.  Let me know how you make out as I am always interested in solutions other people accomplish.

Shopbot PRT 48 X 96  Gekco 203V drives, PMDX-126 Multi-Mode Breakout Board, PMDX-107 Isolated Speed Control, (2) Ea. PMDX-133 3-axis Daisy-Chainable Motherboard for Gekco 203V's, PMDX-2PARPCi Dual Parallel Port Card, Super PID Speed Controller, 2010 Screen Set, Solid State Relays for dust/coolant.
Re: XBox360 Controller Plugin New User Info
« Reply #107 on: January 17, 2016, 10:27:06 AM »
I had hacked a different way to make the button call the script, but your method is much cleaner and easier to understand!
Checked to continuity on my Makita router and it is insulated...

Re: XBox360 Controller Plugin New User Info
« Reply #108 on: March 02, 2016, 05:44:09 PM »
The xbox controller works flawlessly on my laptop...today tried to install on my desktop, it complains of a defective dll...
Using Win7 pro SP1, DirectX version is 11 (same as my laptop, tried the dll from laptop as well as downloading fresh from Machsupport, still get the error
defective plugin found...Windows sees the thing, I can plug back into my laptop and it works, scratching my head here...


Re: XBox360 Controller Plugin New User Info
« Reply #109 on: March 02, 2016, 05:50:19 PM »
Found the test program (joy.cpl), works good there, all buttons and axis active, still getting the defective dll error