Hi Leslie,
Not sure if I understand your correctly, but if you go to the top menu bar and selector (Operator) and then click on (Edit Button Script) it should highlight all the available buttons that have scripts attached to them. Just click on the button script you want to copy, open it and select all of the contents and go to i.e. mach3/macros/your machine name/ Then right click to add new txt document and paste those contents into the new file. Resave the file utilizing sample/ macro-XBoxBtn.m1s You can then delete the .txt file from your macros folder. If you know the actual script button you can just copy that button script contents and rename it i.e. XBoxBtn.M1s. I believe you have 8 of these Macro-XboxBtns available for your personal customization.
You can also look at all the listed macros in (your machine) macros folder by right clicking each of them and select open with notepad and it will display the macro contents i.e. the instructions given to Mach3. Once you find the one you are looking for just do a save as and rename it i.e. XboxBtn.M1S. Then restart Mach3 and it should work.
Once you have your macro created in (your machine) Open mach3 go to config/config plugins and open the Xbox 360 controller config. Utilizing the drop down menus select the appropriate button and select XboxBtn.M1s assigning that macro to that button. Exit Mach3 and restart and your button should work.
This has helped me get my Xbox 360 controller customized to fit my personal needs.
Many thanks to Lee for developing this great plugin.
I am working on a more detailed instruction with photos to better explain the process and will post once it is complete. Might even put together a video. If you would like to discuss further you are welcome to send me a private message.