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Author Topic: Stepper Reference Spreadsheet  (Read 3182 times)

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Stepper Reference Spreadsheet
« on: September 30, 2009, 06:17:14 AM »
Just out of interest
i started collecting all the information the keiling site stepper motors on one spreadsheet.
I will try and add as many sites as possible,  not exactly plain sailing. I have to open every spec sheet and read the details on it.
If anyone wants to help enter data for people to compare drives.. Msg me, i will add you to the editors list.  The last column i added what i could find on support for which drivers.
The first column is colour coded according to price.  Green is under 100usd.  then above 500 is blood red.

Still wondering on how to add info about which machines these steppers are most suited for.  Ie,  a mini mill or joe's 2006 or whatnot. 

btw,  this is not a Keling Technology advert,  its just the first sit i started with.

where i did not see the information stated explicitly, i left it blank.