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Author Topic: Smoothstepper and Joystick  (Read 9590 times)

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Offline 4z7

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Smoothstepper and Joystick
« on: August 18, 2009, 08:52:51 PM »
I'm trying to get a USB joystick to work with Smoothstepper using SS.dll version 015ogb on a mill.  I've tried the lockdown and  .43 development versions of MACH  but with the same results.   Using the SS plugin and the joystick plugin no XY jogging  is commanded to MACH.  If I remove the SS plugin and default to the PP driver,  the joystick does command motion to MACH  (no motion actually occurs since nothing is wired to the PP). 

I can still use the Suttle & Shuttle.dll  jogging  with the Smoothstepper, but I'm tired of the 1 wheel, 3 button axis jogging of the shuttle.  Eventually I move the wrong axis and damage the workpiece or tool or loose  a reference.

Does anybody have a Microsoft compatible joystick using joystick.dll working with SS?


Offline RICH

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Re: Smoothstepper and Joystick
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2009, 09:16:15 PM »
Not here, but, the XBOX 360 is neat with ths SS!

Offline 4z7

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Re: Smoothstepper and Joystick
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2009, 01:14:44 AM »
I'm trying to figure out why the joystick.dll  doesn't working with Smoothstepper, at least not for me.  It's good to know that the Xbox controller does work.  Do you know if the .dll source code is available?  The joystick I bought is a 3 axis joystick (XY stick and knob turn for Z) with 12 buttons which I think is essentially the same as the joystick controller with a few more buttons.  http://www.chproducts.com/oem/finger_usb_desktop.html 

I can get it to work on the Parrallel Port with the joystick.dll plugin but not Smoothstepper.

Offline RICH

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Re: Smoothstepper and Joystick
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2009, 10:04:13 AM »
Lee Davis is the author for the XBOX360.
He or Art may be able to help you,  maybe someone else, but i can't.
Re: Smoothstepper and Joystick
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2009, 05:44:19 PM »
Are there any news on using a standard gamepad with smoothstepper? I canĀ“t get mine to work at all.

Best regards,
