I should have posted my solution when i got it here.
theres a output option, with 'enable' settings. set these to 8 9 and 14 to enable each axis. make sure step and dir is set. double check your port number. use the arrow keys and you should get results.
all 3 axis are turning, both directions, and i'm currently in frame development phase w/ the machine itself now.
Can anyone help...
I did that but the x & y motors are acting wierd.They are continously turning in the clockwise direction & will only change direction when i reverse them with the arrow keys.
Also there is another observation,the X & Y motors will only stop when I press the estop button.As soon as it is released it continue with its motion.
I was about able to run the roadrunner gcode but I could tell that the X & Y motors are running against the continous motion as described.
The Z axis motor is fine.It responds appropriately to the "pageup & pagedown" keys on the keyboard.
what am I doing wrong here?Can anybody help?