Saw this, and thought I would chime in about the current state of the Pokeys.
MPG: Due to the scan time of the hardware of the Pokeys, you can have an MPG, but you cant turn it fast, the pulses will "outrun" the buffer in the hardware before the next scan can come around. What that reveloutionary speed actualy is, you will have to experiment and see at what point Mach stops following and then turn slower.
Brians and Analog: In the new Plugin installer (that includes LCD support), their is a "Help" button on the Plugin Dialog, that goes through all this, but I will summerize here.
When in Brians pick the "Serial Non-Plugin Enabled" (that is the old style original serial modbus).
The modbus registers that the Analog inputs 1-4 are mapped to are: 124, 125, 126, 127, BUT, if you decide to use the Analog out for spindle speed control you loose 124
(or Analog 1) because it the register that becomes the output for the analog out.
so in a nut shell to bring in an Analog Input (lets say your not using the analog out so you have all 4). Your rung in Brians would look like this, first rung is Analog in 1, 2 is the second etc.:
Modbus 124 ->(no op, or formula here) ->DRO
Modbus 125 ->(no op, or formula here) ->DRO
Modbus 126 ->(no op, or formula here) ->DRO
Modbus 127 ->(no op, or formula here) ->DRO