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Author Topic: Interface question  (Read 7569 times)

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Interface question
« on: June 02, 2009, 03:28:46 PM »
I recently downloaded the latest lockdown version of Mach 3 (3.042.20).  I've been playing with it to get familiar with the interface before I connect my machine and controller.  So far I've noticed two things that don't jive with the tutorial videos that I've watched.

1) When the first gcode program, the tool display does NOT show a red box around the part drawing (showing part limits).  Instead, there are red lines on two sides only (X minus side and Y minus side of the display).

2) When a program is running, the tutorials said that clicking in the tool path display will remove the highlighted lines that show previous program moves so you can clean up the display.  When I click in the display, nothing happens.  I have to change the view (tool to table and then back to tool) to get it to clean up the display.

I may find more differences as I continue to "play" with the software. Are these just differences in how the latest version works (compared to whatever version was used for the tutorial), or do I have problems with my install of Mach?

One other thing happened that disturbed me.  While running a part that contained G2/G3 arcs, I was switching back and forth between the Program Run screen and the Tool Path screens.  On one occasion, after switching screens, an arc cut continued cutting off the part rather than transitioning into the next arc.  I have not been able to reproduce this, but it worries me a great deal!
Bill (the Cat) Shubert

Offline Hood

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Re: Interface question
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2009, 02:54:50 AM »
Its certainly not a great idea to switch screens when running code as it can occasionally cause problems, the next revision does things a lot differently and the toolpath is processed independantly so you will be able to do things like that, you can even rotate the view while running code :)

As for your other problems then it could be that its just a different version used in the videos as they were made a long time ago (last month was a long time ago the speed Mach has been changing :D )
 It could be some of the toolpath settings needing changed however, have a mess with them and see what you get when you change one at a time.

Offline Chip

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Re: Interface question
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2009, 03:19:23 AM »
Hi, Bill

I neglected to say that the manual's are somewhat out dated,

pic 1 shows soft limit's on and setup in Home & Limit's setting's page, You may need to click on Display button to turn on Table Display Mode view screen.

pic 2 There are 3 modes that G code window can be in also, Click on it several time's to see the diff. mode's, one of which shows additional line numbers that requires a double mouse click, The center white line shows next line to be processed.

pic 3 is a larger view of view screen.

To many updates to Mach version's for the manual to keep up to date.


Hi, Hood getting late hear !!
« Last Edit: June 03, 2009, 03:21:26 AM by Chip »
Re: Interface question
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2009, 08:34:07 AM »
Thanks guys!

I was pretty sure that it was a combination of version differences and my lack of experience with the interface.  I just wanted to check with the more experienced users to verify that I hadn't stumbled on a known problem.  It is good to know that changing screens while in cut is not a good idea.  I had assumed that the code priority would have simply prevented the screen change if it would affect the machining process.  For example, I believe that is the case when trying to update the Tool Path view itself when "In Cycle".  You have to "Feed Hold" before you can update that display.

One thing for Chip.  I'm not sure you understood my question about the "limit display".  I have "soft limits" defined and the table limit lines display fine in "Table View".  It's in the "Part View" that I was talking about.  In the tutorial, there is a box (red lines) displayed around the extremes of the part program coordinates.  In my display, only the left and bottom lines of this box are displayed (not a full box).

I was a software developer and I know (from experience) that the documentation is always behind the code ;D

I'll just have to keep "playing" with the application. 

Thanks again for your replies!
Bill (the Cat) Shubert
Re: Interface question
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2009, 09:38:14 AM »
I almost forgot.  I was curious about the Diagnostics screen too.  It has led's for the port pins, but there are only 24 led's.  There are 25 pins on the port.  Which pin is missing?
Bill (the Cat) Shubert

Offline Hood

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Re: Interface question
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2009, 10:09:25 AM »
I have always wondered what they are for myself as they never seem to correspond to my settings ;D
 In reality I would have thought there should only be 17 LEDs there as there are only 12 Outputs and 5 Inputs, the rest being Gnd, hopefully someone will know.
Re: Interface question
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2009, 10:25:24 AM »
I have always wondered what they are for myself as they never seem to correspond to my settings ;D
 In reality I would have thought there should only be 17 LEDs there as there are only 12 Outputs and 5 Inputs, the rest being Gnd, hopefully someone will know.

Wow!  I stump one of the experts!

All in jest Hood.
Bill (the Cat) Shubert