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Author Topic: SmoothStepper Accesories  (Read 7803 times)

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Offline Jeff_Birt

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SmoothStepper Accesories
« on: May 31, 2009, 10:44:36 PM »
I'm not sure if this is the proper section for this, but it is stuff related to the SS.

Hi guys,

I found some nice low-profile DB25 Mal-to-Mail gender changers. These let you plug the 'LPH26 to DB25' cable directly into a BOB or G540 that has a parallel port style connector. This is very handy as it lets you get by without needing a parallel port cable.

I also found a few other goodies. Since it is always good to keep USB cables as short as possible I have some 3' long cables available now. Another neat addition is a USB-B extension pigtail that is a panel mount. This lets you have a panel mount USB connection on the outside of your case that plugs into the SS on the inside of your case.

You can find it all here: http://soigeneris.com/Warp9.aspx

Happy machining , Jeff Birt