Hello, I've just built me a TRON-CNC and it seems that it is working, almost anyway! ;-)
Thought that I can use this for my model airplane hobby.
Problem is as follows:
When I run a CAM sequence generated by, in this case, cut2D, the sequence works OK for about halfway through the program.
Then suddenly the X&C axis start to sound terrible, scrambling and rumbling. It also seems that the torque is more or less gone. I can hold the motors with my hand.
The X-motor get slightly warmer than my hand and the C-motor stays cool.
When I switch off the Slider SFX for about 10-20 min. and then start up again the motors have their high pitch sound when running, and they are running just fine until next time I run a program.
I get the impression the the G-code G0 can have something to do with this.
Is there any of you, out there, who hopfully can help me or maybe give me a hint of what's wrong? This is getting into my bones soon! ;-)
Best regards
Kent Strobel
Computer: Windows XP Pro, Pentium 4, 3GHz
Hardware Mechapro Slider SFX+HP-Step (for4:th Axis). 1/4 Steps
Motor: Japan Servo KH56QM2-951
Software: Mach3 Version R3.042.020 full license
CAM Software: Vectric Cut2D