This is lost steps Slow down the axis a bit and slow down the accel's. this is the first step.. what do you have for a stepper driver?
I figured it out although I am not sure what I did! I have an older camtronics board driving my motors. I looked at the board and at each axis there appears to be the same setup as far as chips, resistors and things.
ONe of the things is a small whitesh gray rectangle with a very small flat head screw in it. I have no idea what they are or do but turning that screw stopped the problem. Turn it one way and the motor stops turn it the other and it goes.
As you can tell I am new to this. LOL.
It was driving me crazy because it worked fine, I buy mach3 and vcavre today, fire them up and the machine does this!
That srcew must have worked its way loose I guess.
Anyone want to enlighten me as to what I did? I can post a picture if need be.
Thanks for the help.