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Author Topic: Mach 3 + C22 + MPG problem...Help.  (Read 13721 times)

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Mach 3 + C22 + MPG problem...Help.
« on: May 02, 2009, 06:08:10 AM »

      I'm having some problem with my new MPG pendent + C22 adaptor purchased from CNC4PC. I got replies from Arturo, modified  some settings but still can not make the motor jog.

The 2nd parallel port I use: http://www.sunix.com.tw/it/en/Product_Detail.php?class_a_id=0&sid=479

I follwed this instructions from this link:

* In Mach 3  Diagnostics------> Output 6 LED is flashing(Red),
* Emergency button on the pendent works when pressed.
* X, Y, Z selector, does not work ( it was working 10 minutes ago)
* X1, X10, X100, mmm...not sure if its working?
* Enable button on the pendent works, in Diagnostics---> RawPort Input Bits----> one of the green is on when Enable buttorn is pressed.

Here is a link of my setups:

any suggestions?

Re: Mach 3 + C22 + MPG problem...Help.
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2009, 06:20:03 AM »
hi, i have tried to use sunix pport card . i never had much success with it.  get a card with a netmos chipset. at the store ask them to open the package , on the main square chip on the board will be netmos 9805,9815.
Re: Mach 3 + C22 + MPG problem...Help.
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2009, 10:11:09 AM »
Hi Tripleblack,
                    Yes you are right, I replace the Sunnix to a UPTech UP232P Pararell PCI Card, it uses Moschip NM9835CV and is working perfectly!!

Re: Mach 3 + C22 + MPG problem...Help.
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2009, 10:22:10 PM »
I have the exact same set up with a Netmos/Moschip parallel card.  In my case, the XYZ selector and X1-X10-X100 selectors don't respond, and the MPG will only produce minus movements, regardless of the direction it is turned. I know I am missing something, any suggestions?
Re: Mach 3 + C22 + MPG problem...Help.
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2010, 09:37:52 AM »
Hi Bilingham

Did you ever get the pendant working?, I have and know of several other people having the same problem, I started a thread a while ago on here at http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,12949.msg85019.html#msg85019 but months on I am little closer to a resolution. I initially thought the pendant was faulty but after replacements it is not the case.

I had for the LPT2 a sunix card and got the same symtoms as cncfreak ie output 6 light on, no movement etc.

I read this yesterday and went out and bought a netmos 9805 (couldnt find a 9835CV) card as recommended and although I now get some response its hardly what I wanted:

*the jog wheel moves only the Z axis mostly in one direction, if I change to x,y or z on the pendant it makes no difference.
*it siwthces itself out of jog manual mode with brains on intermittently
*with axis selector switch in off position y axis will move by pressing enable button.

It is so random and unstable I wonder if I am ever going to get it to work.. I think it must either be the pci parallel card or the brains. Any ideas now before I stick it all in my 50 ton press?

Anyone in the UK who I can send it to who has the same setup?
« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 09:42:20 AM by dougie329 »
Re: Mach 3 + C22 + MPG problem...Help.
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2010, 12:58:19 PM »
been messing around with things a little more,

After quite a bit of soldering, playing + calibrating the MPG I can now tab out the MPG screen on mach, set it to MPG and it actually moves the axis and steps the perfect distance etc. The selector switches for axis and distance do not work and enable button does nothing but if I actually click on the MPG axis switches in mach3 screen I can move the different axis (this is with no brains active). If I activate the brains, or indeed one by one thats when things either stop working or go all weird. Are the brains necessary for using this? which ones are needed if any?
Do the hotkey codes for OEM triggers mean anything or need assigning? I have tried to automatically assign the oem trigs/pins in mach but it doesnt recognise any button movements.
I feel like I am getting closer as this is the 1st time I have been able to use the wheel to move it.
Re: Mach 3 + C22 + MPG problem...Help.
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2010, 01:03:04 PM »
Best to try one thing at a time.

Maybe there are some new brains at Cnc4pc

Or maybe go ask for help in the brains section, some people only stay in one section

The Good Thing About Mach3, Is It's very Configurable

The Bad Thing About Mach3, Is It's Too Configurable
Re: Mach 3 + C22 + MPG problem...Help.
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2010, 03:21:32 PM »
I also was able to get the pendate to operate properly by reloading the latest version of Mach 3 and double checking all the settings.  Thanks for the help.
Re: Mach 3 + C22 + MPG problem...Help.
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2010, 01:37:34 PM »
please if you know where i can find a card like this it was very helpfoul for me

Hi Bilingham

Did you ever get the pendant working?, I have and know of several other people having the same problem, I started a thread a while ago on here at http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,12949.msg85019.html#msg85019 but months on I am little closer to a resolution. I initially thought the pendant was faulty but after replacements it is not the case.

I had for the LPT2 a sunix card and got the same symtoms as cncfreak ie output 6 light on, no movement etc.

I read this yesterday and went out and bought a netmos 9805 (couldnt find a 9835CV) card as recommended and although I now get some response its hardly what I wanted:

*the jog wheel moves only the Z axis mostly in one direction, if I change to x,y or z on the pendant it makes no difference.
*it siwthces itself out of jog manual mode with brains on intermittently
*with axis selector switch in off position y axis will move by pressing enable button.

It is so random and unstable I wonder if I am ever going to get it to work.. I think it must either be the pci parallel card or the brains. Any ideas now before I stick it all in my 50 ton press?

Anyone in the UK who I can send it to who has the same setup?