Hello, I am using mach r3.043, SS beta 2 v.015 ogb, & FTDI d2xx 2.04.05 : What I've experienced is most distressing. I have numerous times been in incremental mode to touch off a tool, and turn to zero, or modify a readout, then tap another increment and the machine slowly starts to jog off in a direction. Sometimes with just one drive "z" and a few times it is "all" drives ! This is quite distressing and now I am reluctant to trust the system. I have slowed down my servo velocities and it seems to maybe help, but it is not a cure. I can't find any settings that help. I thought it might be the version of Mach I'm running.
I also experience occasional times when homing machine that a limit switch holds after homing is complete, but not always. easily cured but thought this might be related. I would really like to know what to try to fix these items.
While I'm here I also have the coolant coming on when I do a prg. simulation run or dry run. Before, this never happened, but now it is constant that the M8 & M9 trip, I'm surprised that the spindle does not !
These are the only real issues I've experienced worth reporting ! Otherwise I am very happy with the SS unit and operation. I have run several programs and can say that everything was quite smooth indeed when the code is good ! I have however had some issue when I suspect code problem and tab the "STOP" key and never know what to expect. Once, the machine did as it is supposed to and traveled to safe "Z" and some other times it just coasted down in "Z" where I didn't want it to go.
I have no way of knowing if this is something I can change with settings or what ?
I will attach my SS.XML as well in hopes of a remedy.