I'm not sure if this is a smoothstepper or Mach3 problem, but here goes.
I'm bench testing a servo spindle with a G320 for my lathe using step/dir, all seems fine except the accel and decel. I have them set as low as possible, which the motor tuning graph shows 4 seconds but it accelerates to speed in a second or less and decels instantly faulting the G320. Actually it doesn't fault and reset, but the G320 just shuts down and I have to cycle the power for it to start up again.
In motor tuning, I have Steps per set to 1000 (250 cpr encoder) and velocity set to 3400, the rpm checks dead on throughout the range tested with a handheld tach.
I'm using the smoothstepper with the v015ogb plugin, Mach3 R3.042.021, Geckodrive G320, HomeshopCNC 850 oz/in servo.