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Author Topic: Newbie needs help  (Read 23496 times)

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Offline Hood

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Re: Newbie needs help
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2009, 11:28:47 AM »
Please attach the code, also if you can attach the xml for both laptop and machine. You will find the xml in the Mach3 folder, it will be called Mach3Mill,xml if you are using the standard mill profile. You will need to rename each of them before the forum will accept them so I suggest you copy then rename them psjflyer1 and psjflyer2.
Re: Newbie needs help
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2009, 12:24:01 PM »
Cool I will do, I just came from the shop. All of the code is there,  but it is not being shown in the toolpath code window. When I scroll down it says that there are 6000 line, but it stops showing the code line at around line 4300, but when I goto the dia tab and open the code with the button and then it opens the notpad window all of the code is there.

I will post what you want.

Offline Hood

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Re: Newbie needs help
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2009, 01:14:09 PM »
Ok if its a demo version of Mach it is restricted to 500 lines.
Re: Newbie needs help
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2009, 01:48:57 PM »
I guess then it would only show partial g code then, right? I fould where someone else had the same problem and his was demo too. I do not know if they resolved the problem by upgrading I am waiting for a reply. I thought it was 1000 lines. Show how much I know.. Will they email a upgrade number to me or do I have to wait. for mail.

Offline Hood

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Re: Newbie needs help
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2009, 02:03:21 PM »
You need to purchase a licence, it will be emailed to you when you do. If you have already bought any version of Mach then the same licence is valid for all versions and revisions up to the current and any future Mach3. So just copy it into the Mach3 directory, it is called Mach1Lic.dat

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Newbie needs help
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2009, 02:55:18 AM »
Very strange that the laptop will show all the code and the desktop will not. I wonder if the laptop would actually run all the code without having the licensed version installed ?.


Offline jimpinder

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Re: Newbie needs help
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2009, 02:52:20 PM »
If you want to run more than 500 lines of code, then you must use sub-routines, and an editor, like Microsoft Word, to split your code into 500 line chunks. Word is best at this, becasue it automatically numbers the lines, and as you chop 450 - 500 off, it renumbers.

I did this on a 5000 line code for drill and milling a printed circuit board, and it worked a treat. The main prgram just called the 10 subroutines in order.

When you  feed it into mach 3 at the beginning, then, as Hood said, it goes through all the lines, and the subroutines, and paints a full picture.

A bit messy, but it works. Thank goodness I don't use long program.
Not me driving the engine - I'm better looking.


Re: Newbie needs help
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2009, 04:15:00 PM »
I believe Hood said to "purchase the license". Pretty amazing how far some folks will go to avoid doing what's right. Includes tax evasion.....walking in slop up to the ears to avoid paying a bridge toll, cutting a long program up into sneaky little pieces, etc, etc.

Bill C.

Offline Hood

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Re: Newbie needs help
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2009, 04:36:28 PM »
Well said Bill, only an ex bobby could go to such lengths to get a bit more from the already generous trial version
Re: Newbie needs help
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2009, 08:26:43 PM »
Alright , I have all problems figured out except one. I have followed the videos on setting Mch 3 up and how to load a file. I am having the hardest time on trying to figure out how to get the router to find the job, What I mean I creat g-code in cut2d full version. I then post it to Mach 3, I then jog to where I would like the job to start, highlite machin coor and press ref all home button long one on the left side. re-gen toolpath and strat job. Router comes up and then just has a mind of it's own, but once it finds where it waits to go it does great.  If I was to do a 4"x4" job I would have to put down a piece of material 12"x12" just to have a little change of the router finding the job. Does this make since anyone. One the video it looks like he loads the roadrunner, jogs to the middle of the table where the material is and the zeros out re-gen toolpath and the job relocates to the new postion,mine does no relocate on the toolpath display, Please help.
