I guess that since this thread started off on the wrong foot I should say some for a follow up on what I'm seeing. I spent a couple days doing some re-alligning and re-tramming of collumn and spindle head till everything was a good as I could get it and also doing some internal programming of my vfd to shorten the accel and decel times. Yesterday I started making chips and I continued today also modifying the program to run my tapmatic in the program and All I can say is that everything with only one exception is running so smoothly that I'm really impressed. My rapids on z went from 110 to 118 IPM and my x & y are now at 140 from 120 IPM. Some of this is from new adjustments but there is no way of going past 135 @ 45,000hrz in mach and before it would fault and today it was very stable, on the SS ! Did I say that right ? At any rate, I measured some parts and without backlash available everything was easy within .001 which is about right as my lost motion on x & y was only half a thou each. And the one exception I mentioned is that now when my VFD gets warmed up it will occasionally fault out when spindle stop is commanded. I'll have to work on that one, I have a JRB breaking resistor to incorportate into the hitachi L200, but don't know how yet and I hope that is the source of the fault, just expecting too much, and want more !