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Author Topic: "Wizards--Circular Pocket" setting  (Read 7497 times)

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"Wizards--Circular Pocket" setting
« on: February 28, 2009, 08:53:18 PM »
Hi All:

I'd like use "Wizards--Circular Pocket"   to cut a circular pocket on a small aluminum plate, I have no much machining experience, can somebody help me fill in the rest of setting?

Thank you very much in advance!

Mini-Mill: Sieg 1
3" x 3", 1/4" Th.   Aluminum
Spingle RPM 1000 or 2000     CW(M3)
Units:  Inch
Tool Dia. 0.375       Tool Number 1
X Center Pos.  0
Y Center Pos.  0
Pocket Dia. 1.6"
(Pocket Depth: 0.125")
Ramp Dis.   ?
% Stepover  ?
Feedrate    ?
Rapid height  ?
Feed Punge    ?
Depth         ?
Step Depth    ?


Offline Hood

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Re: "Wizards--Circular Pocket" setting
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2009, 03:31:24 AM »
% Stepover  ? This is the amount the cuter will move over when cutting new material, ie 50%  and it will move over 1/2 cutter dia on each revolution of the pocket.

Feedrate    ? This is the feedrate that you want moves in X and Y to be, suggest you look up tool manufacturers specs or download some of the calculators, this is the one I used and still do on occasions. http://www.wadeproco.com/

Rapid height  ? This is the height above the work that you want rapid moves to be made, ie its the safe height that wont  hit anything such as clamps.

Feed Punge    ? This is the feedrate at which the cutter will plunge into the material, try setting about 1/3 of your feedrate but will be cutter dependant.

Depth         ? This is the total depth you want the pocket to be, 0.125 in your message above.

Step Depth    ? This is the depth you want each pass to be until it gets down to the total depth set.


Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: "Wizards--Circular Pocket" setting
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2009, 03:53:06 AM »
Just one thing that I found with the pocket wizard - If you are milling deep pockets (say 15mm deep with 2mm pecks) it saves a considerable amount of time if you edit the wizard produced GCode to remove the unnecessary +Z moves in between each of the step depth increments. This is not difficult to do and as I said it does save a considerable amount of machine time.

Re: "Wizards--Circular Pocket" setting
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2009, 09:36:57 AM »
Thanks for the answers!
Hood or Tweakie, Could you give me the suggestion of those specific values based on your machining experience, because this is my first time real cutting, I need some reference values of setting, will adjust them later.
Ramp Dis.   ?
% Stepover  20%
Feedrate    ?     (Unit?)
Rapid height  ?
Feed Punge    ?  (Unit?)
Depth       0.125
Step Depth    ?

Thanks again.


Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: "Wizards--Circular Pocket" setting
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2009, 03:17:52 AM »
Hi Richard,

For me the best thing about CNC is the learning experience so I recommend that you try various combinations to find what is best for your machine and material you are using.

To start, try using a piece of MDF (beaverpuke) this is soft enough to tolerate high feed rates (or mistakes) without damaging the cutting tool. As for a starting place you could try the following:-

X centre 0
Y centre 0
Pocket Dia +20
% Stepover 25
Feedrate +100
Rapid height +1
Feed Plunge +2
Depth +10
Ramp dist +2
Tool dia +4
Step depth +2
Units mm

All the best,

Re: "Wizards--Circular Pocket" setting
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2009, 07:46:54 PM »
Tweakie, thank you for your reply, what is the difference between Feed Flunge and Step Depth?

All the best,

Re: "Wizards--Circular Pocket" setting
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2009, 12:06:16 AM »
Feed Plunge- This is the feedrate at which the cutter will plunge into the material.
Step Depth-  This is the depth of each pass until it gets down to the total depth.
(from Hood's post above)