One of the frustrating things I have found, when cutting a piece with my router table, is the need to stop the G code from running, launch LazyCAM, and load the G code into LazyCAM to alter the depth of cut. I have not experimented with the Z Scale function in Mach3, perhaps this would accomplish what I am trying to do: sometimes the cut is not deep enough (when doing something very touchy such as engraving into wood), or too deep. It would be nice to have a button added to the Program screen of Mach3, which could be clicked, and a dialog box opened for all negative Z depths to be appended by X.*********" (Positive numbers entered would cause the depth of cut to be shallower, while negative numbers enterd would cause the depth of cut to be deeper into the stock). I don't know if such a function would be useful to all, but thought that I would mention it here to see what others thought.