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Author Topic: mach3 randomly doesnt follow the correct toolpath  (Read 8916 times)

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Re: mach3 randomly doesnt follow the correct toolpath
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2018, 11:50:20 AM »
I need something to support 5 axis at least
Something that don’t give me headache no more , I would pay 600 bucks for it if it really works right
Re: mach3 randomly doesnt follow the correct toolpath
« Reply #31 on: February 09, 2018, 03:18:31 PM »
Hi John,
your story of frustration an anger at products that don't work and are largely unsupported is all too common and Chinese manufacturers are grossly over-represented
in that category.

The following manufacturers have all been in the Mach market for a long time and have built a great reputation selling and supporting Mach3 products.
I have limited this list to those of them who produce boards which are Mach4 ready and have a reliable Mach4 plugin ready to go. I should point out that
while all of these are good they are not all the same. A time passes various functions which are enacted by the controller, not Mach4, are added. So for
instance PMDX smart BoBs don't have Backlash compensation whereas the Hicon does and the ESS has got it but still buggy. Having said that they all
work and do the basic stuff well, but if you need some specific feature like backlash compensation, or THC, or lathe threading you'll need to do some more


And to complete the list I'll add one more, they make great Mach3 products but by their own admission their Mach4 plugin is still developing, is does work but you'll
need some patience, but you'll also have some superb hardware.


Take a look at all the offerings. By all means ask for advice and opinions on the forum, advice and opinions can be had for free, its too late if you've already shelled
out bucks for something that doesn't work.


'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Re: mach3 randomly doesnt follow the correct toolpath
« Reply #32 on: February 09, 2018, 03:44:39 PM »
Dear Craig i want you know that i really appreciate your help and support ,telling me all these in my worst needing time... which i need to make a decision....
i am not doing this just for hobby...its part of my work... so time is really matter to me ,and yeah i didnt know any better and i went with the chinese crap... i still can return the nvum tho... have some days left...at least i get my 150 back...
i dont care mach3 or mach 4 or anything else ,as long as it is going to be precisely work with all the 5 axis...
the motors on the cnc machine i have are 4.5 Amp ,but the stepper motor drivers can produce up to 5 amp... so i got those...
about the high end pc? i can provide that ! i have my laptop which is a core i7 with 16gb ram ,and 3 gb of vga ... or i can buy one to put there...
i see masso dont need the pc tho... i dont know how is that going to be...
i am serious ,i have spent and lost so much money over this... but now i want to make the right choice... and i dont have anybody who could help me .. but God... which he sent you and other guys here to help me ! and i pray for all of you guys that Lord gives you blessings back a lot more in return ,since i cant...
thank you so much again
and thanks to all the other guys here who have helped me... i really been thro alot with this ,if i knew about this forum and these great people here.., i would have take a better action earlier....
but maybe at least this becomes a lesson for the next person or people who would fall into the same road as i did ,and maybe they could make the better choice before they spend so much money and time for worthless Chinese copycad crap...
Re: mach3 randomly doesnt follow the correct toolpath
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2018, 04:08:43 PM »
if your serious about doing the business then the Hicon board from Vital Systems is about as good as it gets. I couldn't afford one at the time and have an ESS
from Warp9 and am very happy with it. Likewise I've heard good reports about PMDX, PoKeys and CNCDrive.

Ultimately if you are doing this as a business you will appreciate the flexibility and robustness of Mach4. If you are making money with it you are obligated to get the
Industrial version at $1400. It does give you support advantages and a couple of very useful features....they wont mean much to you at the moment but they will
in the months to come.

My advice would in the first instance get Mach4 Hobby ($200) and work with it. Once you've got your machine sorted and starting to do business with it then get Industrial.
I don't think having a spare copy of Hobby will do you any harm.

There are some perfectly good arguments for sticking with Mach3 as well, including that it is the simplest and quickest way to get to production ready status.

I run my machine with a dual core Atom single board PC with on chip graphics, 4 gig and 32bit Windows7. It is about the least grunt you can have in a PC and still
call it a PC! It is slow to load and draw large files but otherwise runs Mach4 well as it did with Mach3 before. With a good external motion controller like the Hicon
the PC is not really a big determinant of performance. Don't waste your money on buying a PC with 'muscles on its muscles' you don't need it.
Better to spend the extra on servos...then your talking!

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Re: mach3 randomly doesnt follow the correct toolpath
« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2018, 06:42:46 PM »
alright ,i just spent 350 dollars... and hopefully it solves the problems....i tried to use your advice and i did verify the options i had...
i ordered the UC300 and breakout board for it and things that it needs... so i can connect them to my stepper motor drivers...
and the good thing is UC300 works with both mach3 and mach4 ,and even a different software called UCCNC ,this widens my options ! and i am excited for it ! i will definitely let you guys know the result !
i may keep the mach3 ,or switch to mach4 hobby!
i am not making money with this now ,but in future i may... but as much as i put time into it and waste my time ,i cannot do my job and i had to cut from my actual work time to put in there...so the time is really costy more than anything ! honestly i cannot believe how here the Copied and fake items can take over the real market ,and the real items that people have put their brains into it to make them have stayed in a side ....
maybe its us ,people... idk... but im glad at least now i am paying the money to the right person! the person who makes the software ,the person who makes the hardware !
thank you
Re: mach3 randomly doesnt follow the correct toolpath
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2018, 06:53:48 PM »
kool John, there are many happy users of UC300's and I'm sure you'll be another.

Mach3 vs Mach4 is about flexibility, Mach3 is entirely adequate for the majority of users. I don't know much about UCCNC but understand its similar is nature
and capability to Mach3. Given it is a commercial product you may have somewhat less access to its internal features for the purposes of customization but is
otherwise very capable.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Re: mach3 randomly doesnt follow the correct toolpath
« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2018, 09:41:00 PM »
i may get the product sometime next week... already excited about it... and feel so much better because it makes sense !!!
thank you
Re: mach3 randomly doesnt follow the correct toolpath
« Reply #37 on: February 09, 2018, 10:21:36 PM »
I can understand your frustration with these stumbling blocks.
Hopeful this will get you back on track and you can make up for the lost time.
Best regards, (fingers crossed)
Re: mach3 randomly doesnt follow the correct toolpath
« Reply #38 on: February 09, 2018, 11:10:55 PM »
thank you so much
Re: mach3 randomly doesnt follow the correct toolpath
« Reply #39 on: February 15, 2018, 01:49:39 PM »
I got the UC300 and the breakout board and stuff yesterday evening and i did connect them and rewire everything today and right now ,i immediately felt the difference ,for the first time i was able to reserve the direction of the axis in the home and limits options... not replacing the wires or etc...
i also can feel the sound of the machine has got better ,smoother ! i dont know why is that! but im happy about it !
right now ,i put one of the long gcodes that it couldnt run right and it would make at least a couple mistake during doing it (which was changing the coordinates)....
i am doing it on air ,like one of our friends here suggested it... so i dont waste the material...it will be finished in a couple of hours... then i will put the real work on it ! to see how it does !thank you guys for helping me ! i am so thankful and so excited to work with it :)