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Author Topic: Slaving over a hot Pod  (Read 26593 times)

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Offline Greolt

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Re: Slaving over a hot Pod
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2007, 07:46:18 PM »

Got my Y and Z axis done so now I am back to trying the Pod.  Really want this to work now.   ;D

Latest version of Mach  .041,   Plugin  .038  and   Pod Firmware 2014

First thing is slaving is now working like a dream.  YAY!!!!

Everything else is still the same so the fix must have come about through software updates.

One thing that has come up and only happens when on the "Tool Path" screen.

The out put starts to stutter.  Change to any other screen and it smoothes right out again.

Any ideas on this one?

Offline rcrabb

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Re: Slaving over a hot Pod
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2007, 08:16:24 PM »
It happens because the toolpath graphics bogs down the processor. I had the exact same problem. I downloaded the Mach optimization file and rechecked everything on the list. I also went into my BIOS and allocated more memory for my video card. This helped allot. DO NOT ROTATE the toolpath while cutting. Art was going to lock the toolpath window from rotation while cutting. Also stay away from rapidly changing screens while running. I also found that jog follow mode magnified the problem.