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Author Topic: unexplained stop during program  (Read 12037 times)

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Re: unexplained stop during program
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2011, 06:39:43 AM »
I left the machine running last night, doing an air cut of a 35Mb relief, and it stopped after 47,000 lines... it had done 100,000 lines yesterday on a different test before I stopped it myself.

Mach hadn't crashed, but the Galil red LED was lit. Although all the screen buttons seemed to work as they should (ie they blinked as they were clicked), there was no movement because of the Galil fault. The program couldnt be restarted for the same reason.

So I've just tried again, with debug turned on, to see if it did it again.. and it did on the first move!

Here's the debug file:

10:22:42:953  |***** DMCDiagnosticsOn *****|
10:22:50:906  Entering DMCGetHandle.
10:22:50:906  Leaving DMCGetHandle.
10:22:50:906  Entering DMCVersion.
10:22:50:906  Entering DMCmCommand.
10:22:50:906  DMCmCommand: about to wait for g_hDMCCommandMutex.
10:22:50:906  Entering DMCmCommand.
10:22:50:906  DMCmCommand: about to wait for g_hDMCCommandMutex.
10:22:50:906     Could not parse version information <DMC1750 Rev 1.2n>.
10:22:50:906  Leaving DMCVersion.
10:22:50:906  Entering DMCCommand.
10:22:50:906     Command <MG_XQ-1>.
10:22:50:906  Entering DMCmCommand.
10:22:50:906  DMCmCommand: about to wait for g_hDMCCommandMutex.
10:22:50:921     Response < -2.0000 :>.
10:22:50:921  Leaving DMCCommand.
10:23:18:328  Enmtering DMCmSetTimeout.
10:23:18:328  Leaving DMCmSetTimeout.
10:23:18:328  Entering DMCClear.
10:23:18:328  Entering DMCmClear.
10:23:18:328  Entering DMCmCommand.
10:23:18:328  DMCmCommand: about to wait for g_hDMCCommandMutex.
10:23:18:328     Interrupt Routine: received an interrupt.
10:23:18:328     Interrupt Routine: interrupt value <0>.
10:23:18:328     Interrupt Routine: controller index <0>.
10:23:18:328     Interrupt Routine: waiting for interrupt.
10:23:18:328  Entering ReadData.
10:23:18:328  ReadData: about to wait for g_hDMCCommandMutex.
10:23:18:328     readGalilString: Bytes read <0>.
10:23:18:328     readGalilString: Raw bytes <>.
10:23:18:328     Bytes read <0>.
10:23:18:328     Raw bytes <>.
10:23:18:328  Leaving ReadData.
10:23:18:328  Leaving DMCmClear.
10:23:18:328  Leaving DMCClear.
10:23:18:328  Enmtering DMCmSetTimeout.
10:23:18:328  Leaving DMCmSetTimeout.
10:23:23:265  Enmtering DMCmSetTimeout.
10:23:23:265  Leaving DMCmSetTimeout.
10:23:23:265  Entering DMCReset.
10:23:23:265  Entering DMCmCommand.
10:23:23:265  DMCmCommand: about to wait for g_hDMCCommandMutex.
10:23:23:406  Entering DMCmCommand.
10:23:23:406  DMCmCommand: about to wait for g_hDMCCommandMutex.
10:23:23:406  Entering DMCmCommand.
10:23:23:406  DMCmCommand: about to wait for g_hDMCCommandMutex.
10:23:23:421  Entering DMCmCommand.
10:23:23:421  DMCmCommand: about to wait for g_hDMCCommandMutex.
10:23:23:421  Leaving DMCReset.
10:23:23:421  Enmtering DMCmSetTimeout.
10:23:23:421  Leaving DMCmSetTimeout.
10:23:28:406  Entering DMCClose.
10:23:28:406    DMCClose: about to wait for g_hDMCOpenMutex.
10:23:28:406     readGalilString: Bytes read <0>.
10:23:28:406     readGalilString: Raw bytes <>.
10:23:28:406     readGalilString: Bytes read <0>.
10:23:28:406     readGalilString: Raw bytes <>.
10:23:28:421     readGalilString: Bytes read <1>.
10:23:28:421     readGalilString: Raw bytes <:>.
10:23:28:437  Entering DMCmClose.
10:23:28:437  Entering DMCmCommand.
10:23:28:437  DMCmCommand: about to wait for g_hDMCCommandMutex.
10:23:28:437  Entering Remove Interrupt Handlers.
10:23:28:437    Removing interrupt handler for controller <0>.
10:23:28:437      UnsolicitedMsgEventHandler: Posting WM_DMCTHREADCLOSING to window.
10:23:28:437  Leaving Interrupt Handler.
10:23:28:640  Thread shutdown complete.
10:23:28:843    Removing Unsolicited Msg handler for controller <0>.
10:23:28:843      UnsolicitedMsgEventHandler: Posting WM_DMCTHREADCLOSING to window.
10:23:29:062  Leaving UnsolicitedMsgEventHandler.
10:23:29:062  Thread shutdown complete.
10:23:29:265  Leaving Remove Interrupt Handler.
10:23:29:265       Disabling communication interrupts: calling IOCTL_GALIL_ENABLECMDDONEINTERRUPT.
10:23:29:281     Closing driver <320>.
10:23:29:296     Deleted index <0>.
10:23:29:296  Leaving DMCmClose.
10:23:29:296  Leaving DMCClose.
10:23:29:328  |***** DMCDiagnosticsOff *****|
Re: unexplained stop during program
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2011, 01:25:00 AM »
im still having the same stoppage issues as well. i have replaced the computer with a with a new one containing a different brand processor and new ram. this time i used vista stripped to the bone.
i've tried setting the software priority higher in the op system as someone suggested. but it remains operationally the same as it has been, locking up randomly. the debug routine that runs in the background as a diagnostic tool always seem to show my problem occurring whenever a very specific memory address is used. don't know if its in use from other plug-ins (galil, and contec) or the op system.
Re: unexplained stop during program
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2011, 01:30:54 AM »
come to think of it, one of the uncertain areas i have.. does anybody know how the bios should be set as far as power management control? i get two choices neither which is off.
im thinking if the pci bus slows down or powers off their could be trouble. but i havnt seen any discussion about it so it may not matter.
Re: unexplained stop during program
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2011, 09:44:02 AM »
Since my last post I've been able to run the machine for several hours without a stop- over 7 hours in one case.

However, last night it stopped after about half an hour.. ???

Here's the debug file from the mach folder, there are hundreds of lines where it seems to be doing g code ok, and this section is the last bit where it seems to have reset. I'm not sure whether the section beginning with the QZ command was added immediately, or during shutdown, or whatever- basically, I'd left the machine running code and gone home, but a colleague noticed that it had stopped, so he pressed reset in mach, closed mach, shut down windows and the pc, then turned off power to the machine, if that helps explain anything..

I'd be really interested to hear if any of the guys who worked on the plugin have any ideas or can suggest things to try..?

GCode ==>  Y443.05 Z8.84

LI 0,78,-53,0<5892                                           Slots=477  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,84,-67,0<6714                                           Slots=474  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,95,-76,0<7602                                           Slots=474  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,104,-82,0<8276                                          Slots=474  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,107,-85,0<8540                                          Slots=474  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,107,-85,0<8540                                          Slots=474  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
                    Do4MsGCode(): M=16, T=0.3280
LI 0,107,-78,0<8274                                          Slots=485  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,108,-68,0<7976                                          Slots=485  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,108,-58,0<7660                                          Slots=485  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,109,-48,0<7442                                          Slots=485  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,109,-37,0<7194                                          Slots=485  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,109,-27,0<7018                                          Slots=485  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,109,-16,0<6884                                          Slots=485  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,109,-7,0<6826                                           Slots=485  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,109,3,0<6814                                            Slots=485  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,110,15,0<6938                                           Slots=485  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>

GCode ==>  Y439.93 Z8.68

LI 0,108,21,0<6876                                           Slots=479  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,108,36,0<7114                                           Slots=479  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,107,68,0<7922                                           Slots=479  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,102,106,0<9194                                          Slots=479  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,98,145,0<10938                                          Slots=479  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,94,183,0<12858                                          Slots=479  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
                    Do4MsGCode(): M=16, T=0.1090
LI 0,90,222,0<14970                                          Slots=506  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,86,260,0<17114                                          Slots=506  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,80,293,0<18982                                          Slots=506  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,75,319,0<20480                                          Slots=506  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,68,342,0<21792                                          Slots=506  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>

GCode ==>  Y436.11 Z9.39

LI 0,60,323,0<20532                                          Slots=505  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>

GCode ==>  Y438.54 Z6.44

LI 0,58,259,0<16588                                          Slots=496  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,59,191,0<12494                                          Slots=496  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,60,123,0<8552                                           Slots=496  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,61,55,0<5132                                            Slots=496  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,62,-12,0<3946                                           Slots=496  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,64,-81,0<6452                                           Slots=496  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,64,-149,0<10134                                         Slots=496  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,66,-217,0<14174                                         Slots=496  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,67,-285,0<18298                                         Slots=496  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>

GCode ==>  Y436.11 Z9.39

LI 0,68,-330,0<21058                                         Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
                    Do4MsGCode(): M=16, T=0.0940
LI 0,69,-337,0<21498                                         Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,70,-338,0<21572                                         Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,69,-337,0<21498                                         Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,73,-325,0<20818                                         Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,79,-295,0<19086                                         Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,84,-259,0<17016                                         Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,90,-222,0<14970                                         Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,95,-187,0<13108                                         Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,100,-150,0<11266                                        Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,105,-115,0<9732                                         Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,107,-79,0<8312                                          Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,109,-44,0<7346                                          Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,109,-10,0<6840                                          Slots=483  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>

GCode ==>  Y432.64 Z9.12

LI 0,108,22,0<6888                                           Slots=482  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,109,34,0<7136                                           Slots=482  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
LI 0,109,28,0<7032                                           Slots=482  Response=":"  <MoveRelative()>
QZ                                                           Slots=479  Response=" 5, 24, 16, 28:"  <ResetControl()>
MG_BAA                                                       Slots=479  Response=" 0.0000:"  <ResetControl()>
MG_BAB                                                       Slots=479  Response=" 0.0000:"  <ResetControl()>
MG_BAC                                                       Slots=479  Response=" 0.0000:"  <ResetControl()>
MG_BAD                                                       Slots=479  Response=" 0.0000:"  <ResetControl()>
MG_BAE                                                       Slots=479  Response=" 0.0000:"  <ResetControl()>
SP 3000000,3000000,3000000,3000000                           Slots=479  Response=":"  <ResetControl()>
FL 2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647               Slots=479  Response=":"  <DisableSoftLimits() State.nAixs = 5>
BL -2147483648,-2147483648,-2147483648,-2147483648           Slots=479  Response=":"  <DisableSoftLimits() State.nAixs = 5>
GM 0,0,0,0                                                   Slots=479  Response=":"  <SlaveALL(false)>
GR 0,0,0,0                                                   Slots=479  Response=":"  <SlaveALL(false)>
DP 81813,256449,-26492,99061                                 Slots=479  Response=":"  <ResetControl()>
MT -1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0                                  Slots=479  Response=":"  <ResetControl()>
AB 1                                                         Slots=479  Response=":"  <ResetControl()>
MO ABCD                                                      Slots=479  Response=":"  <ResetControl()>
CN 1                                                         Slots=479  Response=":"  <ResetControl() Limits low checked!>
CN ,1                                                        Slots=479  Response=":"  <ResetControl() Homes low checked!>
KPE=0                                                        Slots=479  Response=":"  <ResetControl()>
KIE=0                                                        Slots=479  Response=":"  <ResetControl()>
KDE=0                                                        Slots=479  Response=":"  <ResetControl()>
TM 1000                                                      Slots=479  Response=":"  <ResetControl()!>
OP 0                                                         Slots=479  Response=":"  <UpdateOutputs()>
Re: unexplained stop during program
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2011, 09:53:05 AM »
my machine just did the unexplained stop after running a 3D file for 40 hours (it was only half way through though..!)

No Galil error LED, elapsed time still running in mach, but g code window halted.

I've noticed that after this happens and I hit stop (tried feedhold then start- doesn't do anything), mach won't let me jog even though I can click the jog button to make it green. I have to do a reset of mach before I can jog again. It seems like the user interface of mach is fine, but it's not talking to the galil any longer, although there doesn't seem to be any fault in the galil..?