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Author Topic: Screen Not Working, No Moves...  (Read 18850 times)

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Re: Screen Not Working, No Moves...
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2010, 03:55:24 PM »

I had a chance to figure out what I was doing wrong,and finally got the screen to work. ''However'' in loading the screen from the mach loader,I find that the divice manager, the tell's you to choose printerport, or no devices, freezes, and the do not show me this again, I cannot click on it to do so. It wont let me, clicling on any of the buttons dont work, and just goes to the WhiteScreen and the loads.

There is a bug in Mach 3.43.22 - sounds to me like this is what you are seeing:
•   Dialogs unresponsive during screen set load
Verified on 3.43.22

If Mach displays a dialog box when initializing (say to pick the hardware output device to use), the dialog will appear but then be “frozen” - until after Mach finishes loading the screen set.  Once mach has finished loading, the dialog will be come active and you can then respond to it.

The work around to this Mach V3 bug is to simply be patient and wait for the screen set load process to complete.
Dialogs will respond "normally" once mach finishes it's load process.

Next is the tool offset height, I always use 0.1 above the workpiece and is in the z safety at 0.5 which is in my programs GCode,never changed,and the result is, it is going 1.5 above the work piec and should'nt, I look all over the setting pages and status bars and cannot find how to change the setting. All the ZYZ A B C axis's are at 0.0000. loading a GCode that I always use,and did so before switching to MSM in the .1024 screen will not produce the 1.0000 rise in Z. Tried everything I know,and maybe thtas not enough,but dont know where esle to look. As for the screen itself, Great, just two things I cannot figure out.   Thanks,   Hank S.

Lots of possibilities - Some ideas of things you can check:

1) You can see how all the offset calculation values on the WC-Offsets page - top panel.
confirm that the offsets are as you expect them to be.
See section 4 of the MSM manual

2) how are you setting Z0? What is the gage block height set to?
See MSM manual section 4.3.1

3) do you have safe-z configured?
Check the Mach safe-Z configuration settings.


Author of the MachStdMill Extensions for Mach3
Re: Screen Not Working, No Moves...
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2010, 08:29:52 PM »
I just run 3 parts on the new screen,''MSM'' and run real good far as i know right now. I did do more scouting around to find what was causing the Z to go to1.5000, and in settings, click spindles, and tangitial knife control, there is ,or was 1.0000 in the box for lift knife,rotation was at 45* and changed the lift portion to 0.0000, and clicked enter,and run the 3 programs . Funny that something that sinple is to cause such a error. I knew that this was not doing it in any of the Mach screens that I had used brfore, just being alittle observant. So I think I shall give it a rest for now, and fire it up in the AM for running parts. Glad you are so patient with all the fixes and your support, and putting up with grimlins, that I would just like to say; THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Go Rays....    Thanks ,  Hank S.