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Messages - ClemsonGirl

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / New to everything, and a big question
« on: May 03, 2006, 03:13:26 PM »
Hello everyone,

I wanted to introduce myself on here.  I am a current university student and have been running a small business for the past couple years.  Last week I purchased a new TAIG cnc machine with the Xylotex board (4 axis).  I make and sell pewter pendants.

I am using solidworks 2004 to design, exporting to MeshCAM, then to Mach3.  So far, I am great at solidworks...but after that I'm lost.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about my setup in Mach3.  Does anyone have their machine set for a Taig with the Xylotex board, and I could just copy your settings file?

Since I am so new to this, is there anything I can do to break the machine while playing with it?  Anyway, I hope to participate a lot on here as I begin to learn this exciting new hobby. 

Thanks in advance,


Pages: 1