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Messages - dilshan

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: mach 3 for turret punch
« on: September 12, 2007, 06:23:47 PM »
Bret thanks for reply, sorry was on vacation so late reply. my turret punch will grip a peice of sheet metal using pinchers (grippers) and move the sheet in x and y direction using a stepper motor. at pre determined points the movement will stop enabling thr punch to take place.this by electric clutch. the punches are mounted on a selectable rotating turret operated by electric servo motor. by coordination of xy movement and punchin you can achieve many different dia holes punched on single sheet in one pass and also 'nibbling' to cut out shapes. will try and post pics.

General Mach Discussion / mach 3 for turret punch
« on: September 05, 2007, 12:26:13 AM »
Hi anyone has any experience in getting a Mach 3 to run a turret punch?


Hi All, I am Dilshan from Sri Lanka, I run a metal ceiling factory and is fascinated with automation. I am not new (46yrs old), and i am currently looking for help in using Mach3 in running a turret punch. Scott says that there was a guy who had done, so if you know please let me know. Thanks and great to see the discussions.

Pages: 1