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Messages - 6040ZCNCNovice

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Limit switch and home switch question??
« on: March 29, 2020, 08:56:30 PM »
Just completed first 3d image of a fish.



General Mach Discussion / Re: Limit switch and home switch question??
« on: March 29, 2020, 05:16:49 PM »

     Did my first test cuts. Just random 2 D images inside a 10 inch square. Each had 10 passes at the motor settings above.  :)

     I have a random clicking sound coming from the bed that I need to investigate. May take a video in operation since I have no reference to if its a normal sound or not.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Limit switch and home switch question??
« on: March 29, 2020, 02:29:49 PM »

    What does this button do?  Bad photo, but its set for inches and so is the main area where you choose MM or Inches. Tried to look it up in Mach3 book, but there is no mention of it.



General Mach Discussion / Re: Limit switch and home switch question??
« on: March 29, 2020, 02:19:50 PM »

  So I learn that my machine likes speaking MM when auto tuning even though my machine is set for inches.....

Now that I input MM and tested the attached image is what it spits out. No more error message


General Mach Discussion / Re: Limit switch and home switch question??
« on: March 28, 2020, 04:41:11 PM »
Thanks Craig. Could you share a link to the switches that you recommend? 

Also,  I seem to have developed a new opportunity.  I spent the morning auto tuning my motors and got them hitting right where I wanted. I tested short distances and length of table on both X & Y with everything landing where I asked it to.  The opportunity popped up when I rebooted the machine.  I am now receiving the following error: Warning! one or more axis are tuned to fast for the current kernal speed of 25000. I can clear this by changing the kernal speed, but I recall reading that doing so may cause more concerns later?   I am attaching my current XML file to this thread. Its diffidently a work in progress.   



Dell Optiplex 760
Windows 7 Ultimate
Aspire 10.0
Mach 3 - Ver 3.043.066
G540 Rev 5
Post Processor: Mach3 2/3 arcs (Inch)

General Mach Discussion / Re: Limit switch and home switch question??
« on: March 28, 2020, 09:22:56 AM »
Thanks TPS. I will read today.

" If the machine hits a limit switch it Estops, no if or buts, it just stops dead, it won't back up, it won't go past GO and collect $200, it just stops."   That's exactly what happens now. Which is what it should do. I have to change software to get it to move.

"you should concentrate on not hitting the limits in the first place"  Totally agree.  The limit switches should be a last resort.  That being said, I should plan my total table dimensions less than where the limit switches are.  So how do I insure that the machines "home" is always the same each time I start the machine? I would like to be at zero between X and Y each time so i can then "know" distance to limit switches and make my plans accordingly.

Thanks to all as I learn my way through what I am sure is simple to all of you.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Limit switch and home switch question??
« on: March 28, 2020, 01:15:54 AM »
Thanks Craig. I appreciate the info. Still trying to learn here so some of of what you say seems fuzzy.   

First photo is the drawing I used to install the switches.  When i drive to the switches they trip and show on Mach3.  I'd like the machine to slow down before it hits the switches and then pull away after it hits them, but it currently does not. (I'm guessing here, but I could add soft limits before the physical switches to avoid hitting them at all?)

Second is the port and pin settings for the X & Y.  I used the automated setup wizard to fill in the info. Now I am looking to fill in the X home and Y home, but I do not have any switches installed nor are any shown on the drawing...... hence the question about how to set them up in software?

I would like "home" to be the center of the table and have the machine return to home after it is complete with the cutting. I would like "home" to be at the same spot every time I start a project.

I still need to install the Z switches but will hopefully get to them this weekend.

Thanks in advance


General Mach Discussion / Limit switch and home switch question??
« on: March 27, 2020, 05:53:04 PM »
Hi All,

   I'm still building and learning.

So I have my X++. X--. Y++ and Y--  wired in and working to stop the unit and showing up in Mach3.   :)

A couple of questions:

1.  I believe I read someplace that you could program the unit to hit the switch and then back off the switch before stopping.  How is that accomplished?

2.  There is a  ++, and --, but I assume the "home switch" refers to software switch? If I am correct, how is it programmed?

Thanks in advance


Dell Optiplex 760
Windows 7 Ultimate
Aspire 10.0
Mach 3 - Ver 3.043.066
G540 Rev 5
Post Processor: Mach3 2/3 arcs (Inch)

Thanks everyone. I was way over thinking this.  I removed the black one and rewired through the silver one.

Next...   adding X, Y and Z limit switches.


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